Tuesday, October 25, 2011

(free post) Blurred in My Head.

     I opened my eyes, as the start of my first day was like any other. I would go to school, and leave school like i normally would. I do my homework at home and eat a snack and watch a video. Later on in the day, when wthe sun id setting, i walk out to the beach and sit down, as all the bad thoughts wash away from my head. i get up and take one deep breathe and walk away from the beach. Maybe tomarrow i would do the same, like i always do. It's dark now and the moon is out. I think to myself. "If people die, then their bad thoughts would wash away, and maybe be gone forever." But i guess i was wrong. If you take one step, you could possibly end up no where in life. But if you walk back on step, then your running away from everything. Which is it? Forwards or Backwards? If your expected to walk forward, then you could make a bad choice. People expect that of you, and expect less if you go away from your problems. I dont get it, why do they care if you walk one step up or one step down. It dosen't make sense. I continue walking as i knew. Today was my last.

     I get up, but i felt one sting in my eye. I rubbed my eyes and walk to get dressed. Something wasn't right. I felt as if i wasn't getting something in my head. My reactions felt diffrent. My head felt light. Maybe i should stay home today. I go back to my bed and lay down thinking. "Maybe i'm sick." I go back to sleep, and wake up again feeling diffrent. Something was choking me, my head felt like it was spinning. My eyes felt blurry. It was getting harder to breathe. I got up and shook my head. Nothing happend, my head felt like falling back down. Was i still on my bed? i couldn't tell. It felt like i fell to the ground. I didn't know what was in front of me. that's when i thought. "I'm sick." I felt like o was forgetting everything that i said yesterday night. I slowly closed my eyes, and thought. If i close my eyes, What will happen next? Will i see anything, or is everything blurred out for life.

     Note: This is just a story, not Real.

(response post) This Nice Place.

I don't know why but I would prefer to be in a small community than a big city like San Francisco or something. It's just hella chill to me. -Peter Nguyen-
     I agree with Peter here. I think being in a small city is better than a big one because in a small city, you get to know the people better and in a big city, you would see diffrent faces everyday. In Alameda, it's very peaceful and less noisy unlike big cities. I perfer Alamaeda because it's not loud, so i would be able to sleep better, and in big cities you hear cars, people yelling and cars beeping. That could get annoying sometimes because you wouldn't be able to sleep. Alameda is very peaceful to me. It may not have many places to go, but it's my home and it will always be. I'd rather stay in Alameda than go to a loud city, but i would go to the city because of the nice lights and shops, but i wouldn't live their everyday hearing loud noises, and Alameda is where all my friends are. If i went to somewhere like SF than, i wouldn't be able to see my best friends anymore.

     Many people say Alameda is boring and there's nothing new around here, but i think there's stuff to do everyday. People just can't find the right things to do around here. Just because it's small dosen't mean it has nothing to do. People are just being negative about this place. If people don't like living here, then they could always tell their parents to let them go to the big city. I actually do want to go to the big city sometimes, but not in terms of living there forever, but i do want to go because it's pretty and have more places to go to, but i'd stay in Alameda if i get the chance to move to a big city. Alameda is where i grew up, and where i spent my childhood.

(free post)A Dream Deferred.

What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
     Dreams are Important. Wheather it's stupid or not, it's what helps you work harder to get what you want. Even if you want to be a millionair. That dream helps you move forward. But if it's postponed, well, i actually dont think it can be possible. Dreams are dreams, and no one can take it away from you. You can dream whenever you want and whatever you want. It cant be postponed just because you lose hope in it, or if you cant accomplish it. If you drop that dream, then you simply just forget about it, but if you think that dream is impossible, well i think your wrong. Dreams aren't impossible. Even the word says it. "I'm Possible." I've had many dreams in my life, and i still do. I dont think just because i cant finish it means i cant accomplish it. I can start and finish whenever i want. Many people would give up, and forget they even wanted to do that. I'm not saying you have to do your dreams or you can't not dream about it. I'm just thinking that it's kind of wierd that you can postpone a dream.

     I know many people who's dreams dont come true, but i still think they can strive for it and get closer to their dreams step by step. Even if it takes 20 years. They never know if that dream will be one step away from them. Many people think that their dreams are stupid or impossible to do, but maybe if they thought about it more, then they might be able to achieve it. Anyways, i'm just saying that dreams can't be postponed, or else it wouldn't be a dream anymore because sometimes you would forget you even dreamed of doing that.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

(response post) Hey! Are you Blind?

I became really pissed at all the people who ignored her after she was ran over. They walked way as if nothing was wrong! How could anyone not help that little girl?!?!
     I am mad about this. Like do people need glasses? well, i think they do. How can they not see that girl in the streets? Not one person took that time to stop and help her. Why would anyone do that? that's someones life. How would they like it if no one helped them when they got hurt or were run over by? This is just outrageous! But I'm glad someone had a heart to save that little girl. That persons is a true hero. The rest of those people, let's see what karma is going to do to you! I'm just glad that the girl didn't die. If she did, i blame all those people who passed her. Especially the 2 people in the car who drive right over her. How heartless are they? I bet they would want someone to help them if they got run over by a car.

     I've met a lot of heartless people, but not as heartless as all these 18 people and 2 drivers. Who in this world would do that? i thought everyone would at least stop and help someone in need, not run over them and walk pass them. What did their parents teach them? I'm so a furious about this. That girl was only 2 years old i think... but anyways, she was really young! How could they have the heart to do that? Do they need some new brains to think?! 

(free post) Behind Those Walls.

     I am looking at something tall. There's no end, but then everything ends, why is this infinite? It looks foggy up here, more so, it feels like a dream. No, it's not. I see nothing but this strange tall white wall standing in front of me. There's not way around it, and no way under or above it. I don't understand why I'm here. Where is this place? I can't be dead. Heaven should be in the sky, but instead this looks more like no where. The more i look, the more I'm confused. I wonder, yet i still walk. I'm not supposed to go anywhere. I was left alone for how long now? Maybe 16 years. I didn't like hearing that word. I see an umbrella. The one i used every year and every rainy day. It was yellow and had white spots on it, but everyone knows nothing lasts forever. Even your life. Everyone has to go somewhere, where they belong. Weather it's no where or somewhere. We all go where we need to. Maybe I don't have a place to go, no my place is here. No ones with me, but this umbrella, but that day when it left, was the day i knew, everything gets damaged. Weather your human or animal. No ones perfect, no one lives forever, but there's one thing that wont change. Every person and every object and animal has somewhere to go. Maybe behind those walls are where i need to be. I need to find my place in this world. These walls must hide something big, yet they are so simple. Not hard to understand. I just have to push through them, and I'll get to where i have to go.

     I take one step, and the walls break. I don't see much. I just see everything i need to be with. This is where i stay forever, and ever because i can't turn back, i cant leave. I see a scenery. It's night, but the sky is a little orange and blue. It eases my mind to know such a peaceful place exists in this place. No one can hurt me this way. I see someone else. It's a guy, but he is turned away from me. Maybe he dosen't have a place to go. Like me. Maybe this is where he is supposed to be forever. He turns my way, but i can't see his face still. He waves at me, i wave back. Suddenly it starts snowing. How? I turn to leave. Wait, i cant leave because this is my new home. Somehow i knew, i had died. It was only me and him forever here in this silent world.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

(Free Post) Blacked Out.

      She took took one step out the door. It means she has taken one step closer to her life, where it will take her remains unknown. She takes another step, an another. She keeps going. The wind blows against her back, her hair blows into her face. She moves her hair out of the way, and takes an umbrella out to cover her from the many drops of rain that fell from the sky. She looks up and thinks... "why is it that one persons pain leads to another persons?" She continued... But where was she going? She keeps walking, and stops a few blocks away from her house. She see's the drops of rain falling down in front of her. She says to herself again.. "why does time continue when we don't want it to?" She takes one more step and stops in front of a tree. There's something written there.. it reads "Don't stop going.." She turns around, and see's another tree. Its says "are you running away from the truth?" That's correct, she was running away. She didn't want to keep going when she didn't know where to go, and every second that passes leads her closer to her destination. She didn't want that. The rain stops and the sun comes out shining right into her eyes. She closed it and out her hands in front of her face. She closes the umbrella and walks away from where she was. She stops in front of a guy.

     He looks rather decent. Messy hair, cute dimples, and dark brown eyes that pulled her in. He looked almost familiar, but who? He softly speaks.. "why are you walking away?" She looks at him, then down to her shoes. "i'm not.." He points her to the sky, "your going there soon right?" he guy puts his hands back down. She felt her heart skip one beat, "your British?" The guy laughs as he combs his hair back. "why how did you know?" The guy turns and walks away from her. She tries recalling where she saw him from? Just then, a hand grabs her and pulls her in. She felt a warm presence. She looks up and saw her boyfriend. He was 6'ft tall, blue eyes, short brown hair, and he was wearing a soft grey sweater. He whispered "why are you out here so early?" She smiles and turns around and gives him a passionate kiss. He pulls her in, and hugs her tightly. "you seem worried lately." Her boyfriend said. She pulls away from him, "I'm not worried, i'm just taking one step forward." She says in a low, almost fading voice. He takes her hand, "do you want to talk about it?" She pulls away from him, "no, I'm leaving soon." She said with a warm smile. He looks at her with his deep blue eyes, "where too?" He says a little confused. She wipes her eyes and say "i'm going home, to where i need to be."

     She walks into a room holding a paper. She wasn't afraid of taking that step, it was only one step. She see's that British guy again. He takes the paper from her and read. As he read, his eyes move slowly and gracefully. She couldn't take her eyes off him. At that one moment, it felt so nice. He gave her the paper back, "you seem troubled." He takes his scarf off, and puts it around her neck. "your boyfriends wont be mad if i do this right?" She freezes and looks up at him. "how did you know i had a boyfriend?" She takes his hand. The guy stops and looks into her eyes. She looked scared, but peaceful at the same time. "I just do..." He says. She let goes of his hands and let him wrap the scarf around her. The guy took a step back after he finished, "where ever you end up, there was a reason.." He walks away once again, but he didn't turn around. The girls felt something fall down her eyes. That was when she knew, she couldn't turn back. She sat down next to a desk and writes a letter, every word she wrote made her stronger, she knew what she had to do. She walks to her boyfriends house and puts the letter into his mailbox. She looks at his house and blows him a kiss, "this is the last one." She says as something fell down her cheeks. She turns to leave, she heads on to the unknown. She goes into a tall building filled with people. She walk up to a lady dressed in uniform, and hands her the paper. The lady looks up, and picks the phone up. "i'm ready for the last step." She says holding that scarf near her face.

     Someone grabs her hand. She turns around and see's the British guy. His hair was messy, and he was holding something in his other hand. It was an envelope. He handed it to her and smiles. She took the envelope and looks at him one last time. They both let go. She turns around to look at him, but she didn't know what his face expression was. Was she never going to know what it was? She sat down, and a man came in. He was wearing a uniform, and he he told her to follow him. She did as she was told. She didn't want to turn back now, she was afraid, afraid she was going to leave them. The guy told her to lay down. She did as she was told, but then she asked if she could do one last thing. He nodded. She opened the envelope and there was a letter and a necklace. She read the letter, and it said:

You turned away, but still came back. You took the strongest step
forward. I know this is hard, but try and remember.
everything that has happened in your life had a reason.
Everytime you saw me was probably your imaginaton. Don't worry
about me. Maybe i, too will head in the same direction you walked.

The girl stopped when she finished reading and she looked at the necklace once more, and that's when it happened. Her eyes filled with tears, she could not believe what she read. Her heart almost stopped. She covered her mouth and tried not to make any sounds. She shut her eyes as the tears flowed out. The guy asked if she was ready. She lied down and closed her eyes signaling that she was ready. The guy took something and prepared it. The tears wouldn't stop coming down her face. More people came in to help the guy. She could feel her heart slowly beating, and then her eyes closed and her hands let loose and fell down. She stopped breathing. "Maybe i could see you again, but right now.. i'm going home to where i belong."   

     This isn't a suicide. It's a disease that she had to deal with. :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

(free post) What it feels like to....

     Being in the city is probably what i love most. Being in a city is like looking at stars. You see all the lights at night, and it makes you want to stay outside and look at them. The city might not be the most relaxing place to be, but it's has the most beautiful lights your eyes will ever see. One Day I'm going to live in the big city just to look at the lights. Who wouldn't love it? I always dreamed of living in a big city like L.A, New York, etc. I guess I'm just a city person. The city side also has the best shopping places, and i love shopping more than anything. I could shop like forever in a mall and still not get bored. That's another reason i love to live in the city side. Although the city could be loud sometimes, but it's still beautiful.

     Being at a beach in the evening is like the most peaceful, mind relaxing thing you could do. Especially when no ones there. When your and you can just sit in the sand and cry all you want without anyone noticing you and when you want to be alone. Listening to music at the beach is also the best thing to do because it relaxes your mind. When your at the beach on a summer evening, you feel as if no ones keeping you back from doing what you need to do. You feel as if you have freedom and nothing to worry about because it's just so nice at the beach. I would do that everyday on summer if i could. The beach is the most peaceful place to be for me when i'm feeling miserable.
     Eating this would be like heaven. Just look at it, isn't it delicious? I would eat that for my dessert if i could make it. All that cream, and chocolate. I really want this right now. It looks like paradise right now, but sadly it's only a photo. Look at those rasberries. Dont they look good? Whoever made that is lucky! That combination looks so good, i want to eat that photo! I think that eating that would be my wish come true because it's a cake, and it's creamy with fruit flavors and chocolate. I'm really bad at describing food, so i should stop now.... You guys are probably puke after my description of this food.

     I Actually think doing this would be kinda cool, but scary at the same time.  Doing that would be scary because what if you missed and hit the ground? I would be horrified if that happened. I dont think i'll ever have enough courage to do that. But it's kinda cool cause if you are on the wrong platform you oculd jump across haha. I wonder how that person even had the courage to actually do this? how many time did he get hurt just to do that? Well if you look at him, i guess i a little easier, but when you actually do it, it's gonna be so so hard. Even i dont think i'll do it in a million years. Maybe until i could at least jump over a rock like that.

(current event) Our world Is Changing For The Better!

The reaction uses a secret catalyst to transform nickel into copper with heat being produced which can be used to make steam, drive a Stirling engine, or be used for whatever you please. If this device works as claimed, the world will change and not just a little but hugely and at every level of how we’re organized, how we make stuff, how we travel, and how wealth is distributed.
     So, this new invention is called the E-Cat, and i cant wait till it comes out because if it works, then our whole world will change. People wont have to pay so much for energy. Many people could travel places without having to pay so much. Cars, trucks, and planes would use stirling engines, and that sounds really cool because it uses air i think. I think life would be much easier if this new invention works, and many people would be able to travel without worrying about the cost of gas. I mean, a billion people need gas for cars and other transportation, and gas is really expensive now and many people cant even pay for it. the E-Cat could also power you house or office which means the cost of elctricity could cost alot lesser.

     It is claimed that the E-Cat only needs initial heating after which the  reaction is self sustaining. i think this is the best invention for people who dont have enough money to pay for energy. I'm actually really excited for this because i want to know if it will work, and i really hope it does because it could change the world and the people who have problems with money. If this does work than i would be sooo sooo sooo happy. I mean, i just cant imagine how peoples lives would be with such cheap energy.

(free post) Dont worry About Being Immature.

     Your never too old to have some fun. You can do whatever you want whenever you want. It's not gonna hurt just being something you want. I'm always immature outside of school. I like the feeling of being me. I dont care if i act like some 10 year old freak, i dont care if it's at night or in the morning, but it's better being yourself then something you hate. Being Immature is what makes you fun to be around. You dont want to be some person who tries to act mature and talk about boring important stuff, or talk about you and your love life every single minute. I think immature people are more fun to be around and to talk with. It feels easier to laugh with them. I'm always immature, but most people say why i act like that. I guess it's the way i am.

     Immature people are more carefree, and if your the mature and don't do anything stupid in your life, then you have't done aynthing at all. I'm sorry for being rude, but i think people should stop worrying about other things going on around them, and just do something fun. Even if your 30, you should party like your 18 because no one is ever too old to party like a maniac. I mean, i do all the time, who dosen't like to do that? If your worried about spending money, then stop. When you die you cant take it with you. I'm just saying. You shouldn't care how old you are. If your 40, make it seem like your 20, but that's up to you. I'm not in charge of what you think. I ust think in my opinion that people shouldn't worry about acting immature. That's a part of being human.

(response post) Littering is not Cool.

He's done and he suddenly flings his trash to the floor and runs up the slide to play tag or whatnot with his friends. -Gigi-
     I hate people who litter. It's like they dont know about what out planet is going through. Pollution if your one of those people. I've seen dirty disgusting trash everywhere, and people throwing them out of their cars, and on the benches. I've gotten so irritated of it recently, but since there is so much, I coudn't possibly clean them all. It's like people dont clean up after themselves, or at least their parents dont teach them that. I've seen people throw a piece of food wrapper to a trash can that is like a few feet away, and that person misses, and dosen't even bother to walk over to the trash can and pick it up. Then it makes me so irritated that i can't stop thinking about it, and i would turn around and pick it up. People these days should think about the earth, and what it's going through.

     I can't stand the scenery when there is pieces food on the ground, paper flying everywhere, gum on the floor, and mostly ciggarettes. Is it that hard to go up to a trash can and throw it away? I mean why would people make trash cans for then? so you could sleep in it? Or so You could think that it's there to throw you trash around it? It's not a decoration neither, it's called something useful to put un neeeded stuff in. I think people who litter are not cool or attractive. I thik they are dirty and unmannerly. I mean, do they appreciate earth?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

(current event) The Government has Failed Us.

NEW YORK — Protesters at the Occupy Wall Street camp in New York say they are fighting for America's downtrodden 99 percent. Now some of the hated one percent want it known that they are people too.

     I dont even know what is happening around here anymore, i mean seriously? Why would the government take away peoples rights to live in this world. Many people should have more than what they already have, but instead their houses are getting taken away, and their property that they bought with their own money. How would they like it if their houses were taken by someone? Many people are trying to earn enough money to live in this world, and raise their families. I dont see why high class people have to do that to everyone else below them. They are even lowering job payments and the ability to even have one? How do you expect people to earn a living for themselves. And what are they doing? they dont even care about us at all. They don't know what it's like to face these kinds of problems because they have it all, and we dont. What happened to this free world we lived in? Everyone used to be happy, but now we lost everything because the government simply dosen't care about us at all. Why can't everything just stay as it was many years ago when everyone had a place to live and food to eat, and money to use. Why must that be so difficult for you high class people to do? You guys wouldn't have to face this if you just kept it the way it used to be.

     Now we are forced to protest against you for our own rights. What happened to freedom? We lost that, too. We shouldn't have to go through tough times like this if you high class people at least give us enough to make a living and have a happy life, but i guess that didn't work out at all. Many people are worried about this situation, and you high class citizens aren't going to help one of us? Well let me help you answer that, you guys just dont care all do you? you guys could just sit back on your chair and watch, but i think even you guys should know, We Are Not Giving Up until you get out of that chair and give us something to be grateful for.(i didn't know how to end this, so might as well put something true and memorable.) 

(response post) Music is an Important part of life.

I like the feeling of being in my own little world, have my music on, and I can express my feeling or emotions. Music is big part of my life -Ming-
     I love music. I listen to it everyday. It's a part of my life, i mean if music was never created, then this world would be sad, actually i would be sad. I listen to it when i'm sad, happy, and anxious. It helps me calm down and be worry free. I would just come home from school turn on my ipod and sit on my bed or at my desk and just listen to it before doing anything else sometimes. Whenever i feel like crying, i would turn my ipod all the way up and just lay on my bed looking up at the ceiling. There's just something about music that calms you down, and gives you that happy feeling. Whenever i listen to music, i feel like no ones watching me or pressuring me to do anything. Who dosen't listen to music? almost everyone i see at schoo has their ipods on. I mean there cant be no one in this world who hasen't heard music before.

     In music, there's just so much different styles. Like RnB, Rock, Hip Hop, Traditional, and Rap. It's endless, and they all have diffrent beats and tones in them like some are fast, and some are slow. Music is never the same like the dramas at school or stuff like that. That's why i love music, it dosen't give the same old stuff. It always has something new. There are also many diffrent artists in music industry, so there's endless possibilties to choose from. I just like music because it calms me down at the worst of times.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

(free post) Too much issues with this generation.

      That is what i think everytime it's my bithday, and everytime it is, i always have people tell it to me on facebook, and never at school or something. I;'m starting to get tired of the same thing all the time. I mean, if you really are my friend, you wouldn't forget my birthday, and rely on facebook so much. I dont care if you tell it to me on facebook really. If your not going to say it to me in school or anything, then dont bother saying it on facebook because that dosen't really make you a great friend if you just use facebook to remember someones birthday. I'm tired of people doing that because then after, they dont care about it anymore. They dont do anything special for you or at least call me to say it. Is it really that hard to  remember your friends birthday? I'm not saying dont do it, but i'm starting to think that maybe i dont need a facebook because if everytime i have one people never say happy birthday to me in person. Ialways see it on my wall or something, and it kinda irritates me.

     I dont know why people this young needs that kind of stuff. To me it's like they have no life, i mean facebook and twitter? really? What do they even talk about? When i was 9 years old, i had nothing. All i had was food and clothes to wear. And yea i had coloring books and crayons, i used to love coloring, but kids these days have phones and ipods? i didn't have one till 8th grade. I dont see why kids need those stuff. What are they going to grow up to be like? Actually what are their parents even thinking? My parents wouldn't let me have any of those stuff because i was obviously to young. Shouldn't kids this young be outside playing sports or running around or playing on the play structure or something like that? i mean that's what i did when i was 9.

     I dont know why people call themselves ugly when they out a billion pictures of themselves on facebook or something. I mean if you hate your face that much then dont put it on the internet. Are you just waiting for someone to say your pretty? It's not like people want to hear you say your so ugly just so they can say no your not. I dont get why people do that honestly, but that is one of my biggest pet peeves. I hate when people do that, and they end up having 100+ more pictures of them on facebook.  I mean seriously, if you think your so ugly, just keep that to yourself and dont put so much pictures on for everyone to see or go get plastic surgery if you hate it that much.. I'm just kidding dont do that, that's even horrible. 

     This is another problem with facebook. People would always put up stupid comments like how sad they are, or that they are in love but that person dosen't like them. If your putting up a status of that, it's not like it's going to help you solve them. Or i'm going through my facebook and i see a person ranting about how much they hate another person, i mean if your doing that, then tell it to that person in person. No one wants to hear how much you hate them. It just shows how weak you are. People these days who do that dont have the courage to confess in person. All they do is put it as a status and hope the person will get hurt from it, but honestly, if your going to do that, well it dosen't show that your strong or cool. It's actually saying that your not brave enough to say it to the person.

     Sorry about my ranting about these, but i just had to because i've been experiencing these too much lately. Well it's not that me ranting this is going to change what perople do, but i just wanted to use this as my free post.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

(response post) If your really a person, you should know what love is.

Everyone should have the right to be with the one they love. Even if it is with someone of the same sex. Love is love. -kristy vo-
     I agree with Kristy here. Everyone here is a person, and if they love the same sex, they are still one. What difference does it make if you like someone with the same gender? It's not like it's going to change the way a person acts or look, they are still the same. If people are making fun of someone for that reason, and making rude comments about it, then it's like forcing that person to be with someone they don't like. Love has many different meanings, like if a girl+girl=love, or guy+guy=love, and girl+guy= love, but if your like guy+no homo=stupidity. That clearly means you need to look up the definition of love in a dictionary, and it also means you don't have a heart. Love between any person shouldn't be looked down upon because a person should have the freedom to love whoever they want.

     How would you guys like it if someone said you couldn't like a person? Isn't that like taking away your freedom to love someone? If someone cant love who they want, then love wont even exist. People are3 people, and they will still be 20 years from now. It's not like if someone loves the same sex, then it would change them forever. People just act differently around a person who loves the same sex because they think it gross or because they think that person will do something to them, but if you were good friends before you knew about the persons love interest, then you can still be good friends with that person because if he never did anything to you, then what's the difference after you heard about his love interest? I think love is a strong word, and it has infinite meanings to it.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

(bioweekly column) Steve jobs last Moment.

If you Live each Day as your last, someday you'll most certainly be right.
     Steve jobs changed the world with his technology. He made me start loving the fruit apple. Steve helped make technology better and faster than other technology. After his death, i start to cherish my itouch every moment. He was the one who created it, and made it easier to carry around music and such. He was the one to create the ipad, and other companies started to copy the same designs and features, but none came close to the ipad. I never thought the day his death would come so soon, but when i heard it on the news a few days ago, i was shocked. I didn't know the creater of apple would leave so soon, and i was thinking... what will happen to Apple? will it get better? worse? Will the prices rise? After thinking those through, i thought to myself. How would technology be if Apple wasn't created? I'm glad i got a chance to experience Apple.

     I completely agree to Steve Job's because people can never predict when they will die, and if you live each moment as your last, you might be able to do stuff you've never done. After reading this quote, It made me realize that i should live each day as it were my last because i may not know when i will die, so every time i wake up, i think to myself, will today be a good day? Even though i did have a bad day, i will eventually forget about it, and tell myself "i cant stay mad forever." I would make a list of everything i wanted to do and tell myself when I'm going to do these things, and if i really want to them because, actually there are a billion things i want to do before i die.

     I want to get at least 1 chance to do them, such as bungee jumping, going on a really scary roller coaster, buy everything I've always wanted, and go skydiving. Sometimes i dream of doing the impossible, but i get to scared to think about doing them. Also one thing i want to do is spend my money when i want to, and don't have to worry about using it all up because when you doe, you cant take it with you. I think that if I'm living my life to the fullest everyday, than my life would be complete and worry free. I wouldn't have to worry about it being a bad day, or the worst day because i cant live being mad forever.

     I always want to live my life to the fullest without worrying about jobs, school and such, but i know that's not going to work because if i dont go to school, then i wont get a job, which means i wont get enough money to do everything i want to do because everything on my list requires money. I also wonder, if Steve jobs have done everything he always wanted to do. I cant imagine just leaving the world knowing i have't fulfilled everything i've ever wanted to do.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

(current event) $199 tablets worth it?

at such low prices, these devices lack the speed and graphics found in Apple's iPad or Samsung's Galaxy Tab, which have the latest processors and graphics hardware.
     I actually don't think it would be worth it , if your someone who is an expert in these kind of things, and use them for work, or likes playing games, watching videos on them, then i think it wouldn't be worth it because if your using it at work, then you wouldn't be able to use it as fast as other devices such as Apple, or Samsungs Galaxy tab. If your more of the entertainment, and games, then you would have to use a different one, because if your playing it would be lagging alot and the graphics might be blurry because it dosen't have the latest hardware. If your using it to watch videos, the graphics might not be good, and videos might be lagging, so i dont think people who use tablets and such for those purposes should buy this because it wouold end up wasting your money sonce it has low grahics and lacks the speed of other tablets.

     If your a beginner in these things, then i would reccomend it because you could use it to get used to tablets and get to know them better, and know how they function because if your a beginner in using tablets, than buying a $700+ would be a waste of money when you dont even know how to use them, and the price is reasonable for begginner users, but if i were to buy a tablet, it wouldn't be these kinds because i use them for entertainment purposes and sometimes using them for school work and other stuff like that, but if i were a beginner at using them, than it would be these kinds because i could get to learn how to use a tablet. 

(free post) Talking Behind My Back?

     There are many people who think that if their friends or someone they just met, is talking behind their back, the just assum they are talking bad about them, which is sometimes true, but many people get hurt about it, and hate them more than they did before, but have you guys ever thought on the positive side, well i guess you can call it positve because every time someone talks behind my back, i usually say to myself in my head "talking behind my back? my life must obviously be more interesting than yours." Many people would just walk away feeling hurt, but if you look on the other side, the people who talk about you obviously have nothing better to talk about, so they talk about you. I dont get what's so great about spreading rumors and talking bad about your friend. In the end, it ends up hurting the person who started it, and he/she wont gain anything from hurting her friend or someone she dosen't even know that well. That person probably just wants to feel cool from spreading rumors that aren't true. I on the other hand think that those people just dont have the type of excitment in their life as you do.

     I used to get hurt from people talking behind my back, but as time went on, i learned to forget about it and let them talk bad. I learned that people who spread rumors aren't really the cool people, their actually stupid for doing that, because in the end it backfires, and that perso could end up getting hurt instead. I could be wrong about that. I think people who talk behind my back just want to get attention from everyone. I'm not saying everyones like that. This is just my opinion on what i think rumor spreaders are like. Now that i'm a hghschooler, i let people talk about me all they want because it dosen't really concern me how people think of me. That's what makes me diffrent from everyone else.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

(free post) I Wonder What The Person I'm Going To Marry Is Doing Right Now.

     Have you guys every wondered? Who is that person your gonna marry? Is he Hot? Is he intelligent, is he someone you know? or maybe he might be from another state. I always wondered who i was going to marry. Is he going to be with me forever? When will we meet? I guess all i have to do is wait until that time comes when i see that person.  I always hoped the person I'm gonna like would be the person i really liked, but i know i'm wrong, but no matter what time it is and where you are, you will always end up meeting that person because he's the one your going to be with. Sometimes i worry about it because i don't know who he is and where he is, but i just forget about it and say to myself "why should i worry? there is a reason why i'm going to choose him." Maybe the person you are with right now isn't the right one. I'm not trying to say he isn't. I'm just saying he might be, or he might actually be that person your waiting for.

     I am always thinking how i will meet that person, and if we will like each other the first time we meet. I even think about it at school, even though i'm supposed to be listening to the teacher, but i cant help knowing what he might be doing, but then on second thought, i wonder... Will i marry someone? will i be alone forever? Sometimes people weren't destined to have someone. I usually think about the negatives every time i think about something good, but then i guess everything happens for a reason right? or is it the choices you make that lead you in that direction? I hope the person i'm going to marry is going to have a good heart, caring, and will protect me. That's the person i wish to marry. I just wonder who that person is I'm going to marry, and what is he doing?

Saturday, October 8, 2011

(current event) Are we Saved From Natural Disasters?

Japanese company New Comsopower has invented a modern-day "Noah's Ark" that can save up to 4 adults per capsule. When a disaster hits, such as tsunami, flood, earthquake, people can jump into this capsule and be protected without having to worry about what is happening outside. -source-
     I have to say, this is quite impressive actually. I never thought people would make such a great invention. I guess after everything that has happened in Japan, people decided to create this. It's quite useful because it could really save lives of a thousand people. Weather it's Earthquake, or Tsunami. It could even hold up to to 4 people, so children could be with their parents while a disaster is happening. It was named after Noah's Ark. You know the story about Noah was warned by god or whatever about a big storm i think, and he had to gather 1 of each living thing to bring with him on that ship. I'm not sure if I'm correct about the story, but anyways, back to the point.

     I also heard it was tested before delivering to customers, and it also has 2 breathing holes, so you wont be suffocating inside with 4 people, and it has a window somewhere, so you could see what's happening outside, and the color is yellow, so the rescuers or someone else could find you, but the only thing it cant stand is fire sadly because while the Capsule wont melt, the people inside would be cooked. It is also made so that it bobs right up the water, and so the people aren't spinning in different directions with the waves. One of these capsules would cost you $3,900 US money. Maybe one day i too might be able to earn enough money and buy myself one in case of any emergency. I think this is the best invention made yet, because it can actually save peoples lives.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

(response post) Think twice about School.

You're offered free education, something that isn't available to everyone and yet still decide to take it for granted.-Peter Nguyen-
I agree with Peter with this. Many people these days dont realize how good we have it to be able to learn and get good education. Some people dont even get a chance to be educated in good schools, and most people cant even spell words correctly or even write at all. So, we should be considered lucky that we could even read and write, if we couldn't read and write, we wouldn't even be doing these blog posts right now. Some people out there dont even appreciate the fact that our education is givin for free in schools with good condition. Some people out there in the world dont even have lights in there school, or even desks to write on. I think we should ba thankful that we at least have free education around here. How would you feel if we didn't have schools and couldn't read and write? Or if we did have schools, they would be run down, and it wouldn't even fit more than 50 people? We should appreciate the fact that our education is for free and actually respect the fact that our school isn't run down. I hope people would think twice and think to themselves if not coming to school, or thinking school is a waste of time really is the right thing to do because you never know when you might have to start paying for education.

Monday, October 3, 2011

(free post) I'm not mean, I'm just preparing you for the real world.

     So, i've been getting this alot recently, some people say "Sharon, why are you so mean?" Okay, well i only show my true self to a limited number of people, like my sisters, cousins, and just a few friends. Many people say i'm mean because i always say "you look fat.." "ugh... your hair is awful.." and "you suck at this, your just jealous you cant be like me.." Okay, i literally do say those stuff. But i guess you people who are reading this think i'm lying because you always see the quiet side of me, but i would say what i think is wrong with you, but just not to anyone because i dont know them. I would say if you hair is ugly, messed up, and i would say that the clothe you are wearing is ugly, but it's not because i'm mean, it's because i'm being honest and i'm preparing you for the real world. Not everyone would say your pretty, and people will talk behind your back, and say what they really think about you when your not there. You cant blame me for being mean.

     How would you like it if your going out with your friends/ boyfriend/girlfriend, or whatever, and someone says you look pretty, when you actually aren't. To me, it wouold make me feel twice as bad when i'm saying someone looks pretty when they actually have a stain on their clothe, messed up hair, and too much makeup or smudged. So you cant blame me for saying your ugly when all i'm doing is being honest to you. You wouldn't want your friends to think you look ugly do you? Hey if you dont lke my opinions, you dont have to ask me, because i'm just going to be honest a tell you the truth. Yes, i do sound mean, but i'm just preparing you for the real world out there.

(monthly essay)World Within A Human.

Sometimes I Pretend To be Normal, But it Gets Boring. So i go back to being me.

     I've been thinking, what is it to be human? I don't know, why don't you ask someone else? Their is so much humans on earth. You cant expect just one person to tell you what it's like to be human. Their are many different types of humans. Each with a different ability, thought, and lifestyle. I think every person has something different about them, which makes them different from all the other people out there, so that's why you can't expect me to explain this question, but here's what i think. Each person lives his/her own way, and does what he/she wants to do. They can also speak their minds freely if they wanted to. Us people have brains to think, but that not my case here.

     I think many people have their own ways of being human, Like some people are more clever and funnier than most people. Some people are known worldwide because of their talent, and some people just don't fit into any of those categories because it's just how they think. If they don't want to, then they don't want to because it all depends on a humans personality. This is what i think every human has to be a human. It's like me, my personality is the type that doesn't like talking in front of crowds, but likes to stand out, and not be like someone else. Aren't you a human? what is you personalty? Only You could answer that question yourself. I cant because i cant be every person on earth. Only a personality can make up a human because it help explain about the person, and what type of person he/she is. Maybe the human is mean, bold, funny, or maybe intelligent. I don't know anything.

     Their are many types of Personalities out there, and many humans can create them. A personality can help People make new friends, and maybe a few enemy's. If everyone didn't have a personality, then a human wouldn't be complete because then everyone would act the same, and this world wouldn't have much color into it because everyone is so mono. People might even do the same things and like the same things. Their wouldn't be much interesting people on earth if everyone doesn't have a personality. To me, I would feel like were all one person. It wouldn't even matter if you saw 1 billion other people because everyone would act the same. I'd feel like I've talked to everyone on earth, even if people have different names, it doesn't make a difference because we all act the same, and it would make me feel like I've met 1 billion other Sharons. This world will seem so dull.

     Wouldn't you get tired from meeting the same people with the same personalities. It's like making a new friend, but your actually making friends with yourself. I don't know if you guys would agree with me here, but i just think Us Humans wouldn't be able to live without having Personalities. A persons personality is what makes them different and exciting. It makes you meet all different types of people out their. You might even find out who's your enemy and who's not. I believe only Someones Personality is what helps us understand more about what a person is like, and is they are worth trusting or not. Many of us find best friends through he/she personality. So if everyone acts them same, you wouldn't even have a best friend because that person acts like you. It's like your going to treat the person how you treat yourself.

     Many people usually like a person for their personalities, that's why many people choose to be with them. Even though it is true that a human is Human for having feelings and thought, but most of those connect to their personalties. A persons personality is what brings out those thought and feeling. It's how people express themselves toward other people. For example, If someone is Angry, dissapointed, or in love, that persons Personality is what helps them to express their feelings. I know i've been saying Personality a lot in this Essay or whatever, but this is what i think the source to a human being is.  I know many people may not show their true Personality in public, but they do have one, i mean everyone has one. Even the word Personality has the word Person in it.

     Overall i have been writing about this for a few days now, and i think i've come to a conclusion that a Personality is what i think truley makes a human, but you cant depend on my opinion for what a human is made up of, i mean there are many more unheard possibilities out there, but what i'm saying is that many people have all kinds of personalities, some even have split. Anyways i think you've all heard my point of view on how what makes a human. So why dont you just tell me what you think? And hopefully i'm correct that everyone has different personalities. Although many people have different personalities, i cant guarentee that all of them are very nice. That's just not how the world works. This world isn't the type you see in sotrybooks, but weather it's ugly or beautiful, all personalities make this world just not dull i guess. That's why everyone in this world need Personalities and not just money, although i dont know why i said money, i just think someones personality is just as important as money. Well yea money buys us pretty clothes and food, and helps pay for out transportation, but in my opinion, i think someones personality is just as good as those, but i'm not saying i hate buying stuff, it's part of my lifetime goals, i love buying stuff, i know i'm a greedy person, but i guess that's just what my personality is. What's your personality?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

(response post) Ten years can wait.

"Where do you see yourself ten years from now?" -Peter Nguyen-
     I saw this post and was thinking about it for awhile. I really dont know yet, but i'm hoping ten years from now, I will have a happy life and something horrible isn't going to happen. Honestly, I dont think i should be worrying about what's going to happen in my life ten years from now because it's just gonna i still have to go through the present in order to figure out whats going to happen. You never know if it's going to be happy or not, you just have to keep going. Most people worry about what's going to happen ten years from now, like will i get into a good college? will i get a good job? Who am i really going to marry in the future? I think we all should just keep on going and wait till everything is revealed. Frankley, i too was worried about where i'm gonna be in the future, but the more i thought, the more i told myself, that there really is no use to worry over it.
     I usually dream that ten years from now, i'm gonna live in a decent looking house, go to college like most people, and get a job that pays well enough to buy clothes and food. I dont wish for anything big, but in ten years, i hope i can at least achieve some of those. Most people would probably want to live in a mansion, go to a university, and get a well paying job. I dont really thnk i would be able to accomplish those things, so that's why i'm starting with something little and hopefully dream a little bigger each year. I dont really know what i'm talking about. So in ten years, I hope my little dreams can become bigger. 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

(free post)Apologizing.

     I used to apologize a lot. I apologized for the stuff i did wrong and didn't do, but over the course of my life, I have learned that apologizing can exemplify a weakness and subliminal praise to someones superiority that can later feed to cockiness and arrogance. I've learned that apologizing doesn't show that your weak or wrong. It shows that your willing to set your differences. When do you know when to apologize for your misdemeanor? As of now, I don't find it necessary to apologize.  Why? because the phrase "sorry" is completely worn out. Everyone apologizes, and it comes to forgiveness. I'm tired of forgiving people because with forgiveness it means "second chances" To me, "Second Chances" are like a  re-do. I'm tired of Second chances because it's like giving the person a second chance to bring up your past, and let others make the same mistake again.

     Personally, I don't want my past anywhere near my present nor future. Quite frankly, I don't find it necessary to apologize for your own wrong doings. Us people only apologize because we hurt someones feeling. I'm always the one who apologizes because of what i have done, so now i have put up a barrier against that because I'm still gonna make the same mistake, and personally, I will say things that can hurt a persons race, religion, and sexuality. I'm an opinionated person, and so are you. I don't see any harm in that, I have the right of speech.  So why should i apologize of how i feel? Because it's rude, and can potentially hurt someones feelings? Well, In reality, not everyone's going to be comforting and nice like your friends and family. There are other human beings who possibly have more similarities than differences when compared to one another. There are many other people who make comments about your race, hobbies, lifestyle, and weight. So what I'm trying to say is why should i apologize to someone else when half the time others don't apologize for "hurting my feelings." Maybe it's because i don't say anything about it, but also because i laugh it off and remind myself that this world isn't some pretty landscape that we all want it to be.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

(free post)Jumping to Conclusions

     Have you ever heard someone say "look at her.. She's such a loner." or "I think they are dating!" I hate it when people do that. It always leads to rumors and then they end up losing their friends. Don't people always say "Be Yourself?" Then why are they judging other people? Maybe that's how people are. If someone says to be them self then they shouldn't judge the person for who he/she is. Every time someone jumps to a conclusion when they don't even know one thing about that person. It makes me Frustrated even though I'm not the one being judged, but i have been in that situation before. Some people would literally talk behind my back and say I'm a loner, which I'm really not. Sometimes i want to smack them in the face. So if your one of those people, then I'd suggest you start getting to know the person before you actually judge them. Wouldn't you hate being judged behind your back? You never know when the person you have made fun of in the past actually become one of you best friends. It's not like I'm saying everyone is like that. I really don't know who is and who's not since i haven't actually talked to everyone around my school.

(Column)Where Am I?

     It was dark outside, so i decided to hurry home before something happens to me. I was carrying a glass bottle on my way home. My friend had given it to me today at school, but i didn't know why. The bottle felt light, and carried nothing in it. Maybe i could use it to store water? Nah, maybe it was for something else. I continued walking. I turned around the corner and i felt something hit my back. It felt like a baseball bat,but it didnt hurt as much. I fell to the ground face first,and my eyes got blurry, and i saw blood flowing onto the ground. I slowly closed my eyes and everything blacked out. I woke up a few hours later, but i didn't know what time it was because i couldn't see my cellphone. Was i dreaming? no it felt like a dream, but then again it feels real. I looked around and found myself sitting on something. It felt like wood, and it had arms on both sides. Of course, i was sitting on a chair. I looked on both sides, but didnt see any trees or side walks. Was i in a room? But where? I didn't see any windows nor did i see the door to the room.
     I remembered being hit by something hard. I reached for my head to feel if i was still bleeding. I felt something wrapped around my head. It was a bandage. It felt tight around my head, but at least the blood wasn't dripping on my clothes. At least i hope not. I wonder who tied it on for me. Was it the person that hit me? I got off the chair and tried to feel my way to the walls of the room. I then remembered. Where was my bottle? I turned back around and tried to find the chair i was sitting on, but i couldn't find it. I Tripped on something hard. It felt like a rock. I tried to feel my way on the floor. I felt something. Was it the rock i tripped on? I picked it up, but i couldn't even see my hands because the room was so dark. It felt rough on the surface. I put it back down and continued to find the chair. That's when i bumped my head onto comething stiff. Was it the Chair? No it didnt feel like it. It felt longer then the chair i was sitting on. And onthe bottom felt like a brush. Was it a broom? I picked myself up and took the broom. I used the broom as if i was blind. I used it to find my way around. I felt the broom tap something. Was it my bottle? I bent down to pick it up. No it was a piece of glass. Maybe it was part of the bottle i was holding. The glass didn't feel dusty. It still felt fresh. I touched around the glass, and accidently cut myself with it. I dropped the glass and felt blood coming out of my finger. I didnt have any bandages with me, so i continued to search for my bottle. I felt the broom hit something hard. I continued walking and bumped into something flat and tall. It was a wall! At last. I dropped the broom and used the wall as my guide to find the light switch. I moved along the wall , but i didnt feel any light switch nor any doors. The walls felt rocky and it hurt my hands. After one hour of searching for a light, i couldn't find anything. i gave up and sat down on the floor leaning against the wall. i heard the sound of dogs and a footstep followed by a creaking sound.

     I looked around the room, but what was the use if i couldn't see anything. It must be outside, but it sounded so near. Like it was inside the room. I felt my body overflow with goosebumps. I took a deep breath and stood up. The room smelled of dust, and it was making me cough. Then i heard another cough, but it wasn't from me. I stopped for a second and my legs started shaking. I heard a dogs bark, but i knew that wasn't in the room. It was outside. i heard the floor creak, but i wasn't walking. I wanted to say something, but i couldn't find the right words to say. I took one step and felt myself kick something. I looked down and picked what i had kicked. It felt like a pillow. It was soft and fluffy. It felt like how the pillow i slept on at home felt like, but i couldn;t think straight because i had a feeling that i wasn't the only one in this room. Just the i heard another creak on the floor. I felt someones hands puch against my shoulders. I fell backwards and hit my head on the wall. My head felt a little pain. I wasn't sure if it was the bat that hit me, or when my head hit those rough walls. Did i just blackout? I'm not sure since the room was so dark, i couldn't tell at all. I woke up finding myself back in my room. Was i dreaming? No it felt too real, but the bandage wasn't on my head anymore. and the finger i had cut was bandaged. I saw The bottle my friend gave me right next to me. There was also dust on my shoulders. Was it from the guy who had pushed me earlier? I got up and looked at my pillow which had tiny drops of blood. It was from my head which was hit earlier. I saw the bandage that was wrapped around my head right in the palms of my hand. Who had saved me?        

Monday, September 19, 2011

(response post)Are Boys Really The Main topic for Girls?

Second example drives me insane sometimes, and that's when I see girls cry over boyfriends. For real though, ladies my age don't know much shit about what "real love" is -Bridget Kim
I totally agree with this. Most girls at my age always talk about boys, and who's cute and who's not. I get really irritated from listening to the same thing over and over again. Everytime someone brings it up, i always smile and go along with them, but i get really irritated from listening to it. Whenever i see a girl cry because a guy did something to her or because they broke up or whatever, i always think to myself. "Why not get over it and move on? is he really that important?" I always wonder what that guy has done for them, and if he was really worth keeping close to. I have to admit, that i too go crazy over guys sometimes, but it's not like i would cry over them because they dont like me. Many people would tell their friends who they like, but i dont because i dont like it everytime i see that one guy, and my friends go "hey, guess who it is? -points and laughs-" and i'm like whatever. then they go "why dont you go talk to him? ask him out already!" It just irritates me when friends do that. Or they would go up to him and talk to him and i'm like in the back minding my own buisiness while they are telling him to go to lunch with me or something. That's why i never tell my friends who i like, and plus, it's not like you need boys to have fun, and be happy.

(current events)Is Michelle le found?

On Saturday, volunteers found a body in an unincorporated area between  Pleasanton and Sunol where authorities believe Le had been, based on cellphone records.
     I kind of hope it's michelle le's body because if she had been killed by giselle, then they found her body and her family could be at peace knowing their daughter has been found. I also dont wish for her body to be found because that means their still might be a chance she is alive somewhere out there. And is giselle esteban did kill her friend over one guy, then that is just ridiculous. She could just move on and find another guy that truley loves her. She shouldn't kill her friend for something as stupid as that. It's not like killing her would make her feel any better knowing she's gonna get caught by the police. Anyways, if they found michelles body, then i would be relieved because all of this would be solved, well almost. Her family would be at peace sort of. I hope giselle confesses her wrong doings if she did kill michelle. Just looking at all the photos of Michelle, i felt hearbroken knowing that such a beautiful, happy girl has been killed/kidnapped by her friend possibly. I hope michelles family would feel better, i wish i could do something for them, but anyways sorry for your loss and best of luck to you guys.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

(Response post)The people who are impotant.

We don’t realize how important and valuable a person is until that person is gone. -Enkhlen Khurelbaatar
I completely agree with this person. People usually dont realize how important a person really is until they are gone. People really need to be thankful for what they have and who is there for them. Imagine telling your parents that you hate them, and want them to leave forever, and the next day, you heard that your parents died? Wont you feel bad for everything you have said to them? Cause you never know when that special someone is going to be gone forever. I would never want anyone close to me die because I love each and everyone of them. I think it's just plain stupid if anyone ever says go die or i never want to see you again because what if one day that person never came back to them. That person would surely regret everything they said to that person. So if you hate you parents, friends, or anyone close to you, then i think you should ask yourself if you really hate them because it would be sad to see someone so close to you die.

Monday, September 12, 2011

(current event)Children are dieing in India!

NEW DELHI - Nineteen children have died of suspected encephalitis in Bihar northern India, reported the Indo- Asian News Service on Monday.
It's sad to hear that children in India are dieing because of encephalitis. The parents who lost their children must feel devastated knowing there children died. If i was them, i know i would feel helpless. All those children were trying to fight for their lives in India, but in the end they lost. I feel tears coming in my eyes just reading about it while i was surfing the internet trying to find a good current event for this post i have to do, but the thing i find really sad is that the children didn't know that they would die this soon. So now i feel really happy that I'm not affected by encephalitis, and i know that i should live my life to the fullest everyday, because you never know when something bad is going to happen to you. I hope one day, they could find a cure for encephalitis, so children wont have to suffer anymore because of encephalitis. 

(Free Post)Where can I get some?

This looks so good! I really want some, but sadly i don't know where to get it. I was browsing the internet, and came across it, and as hungry as i am right now, this makes me even more hungry and dinner isn't gonna start until a long time. I should tell someone to make it for me, but i don't think anyone knows how, and by the way, if anyone else is hungry, I'm sorry for torturing you. I'm hungry too. Maybe if i find out how to make it, then i can try and make some myself, but it's not gonna be that great. I'm gonna ask my Mom where i can get these, I'm pretty sure she will know, but i think she's in the process of making dinner, so i shouldn't bother. I know! I'll look it up online. The internet is so useful sometimes. Aw man! i don't know what it's called! Do you guys know? So much for the internet. I cant take this anymore. I'm too hungry to type now. I need food, and thanks for reading my dumb post about food. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

(current event)Are we growing or just Falling?

Growing up and going through the anniversary of 9/11 every year made me aware of all the situations going on in the U.S -Vivian Nguyen
I Personally haven't even heard of the event on 9/11 until i heard in class a few days ago in English, So i wouldn't say every year made me feel aware, but after hearing it in class, It really made my head hurt just to think what happened on 9/11. I wonder if our country was going to change for the better or the worst. I really don't know what will happen to the country , but I know we will be stronger for what comes next. But I'm still uneasy about all these years that i haven't known about 9/11, and what was going on in our society. I was really hoping for everything to be resolved.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

(free post)I'm Still Young.

Have you guys ever been asked what you wanted to be when you grew up? I did, and it just so happened today when i was doing my homework. My Mom comes into the room and says "what do you want to be when you grow up?" And i said "Please Mom i'm still in highschool, i dont know what i want to be when i grow up." That was how the convorsation went. I also remember that time when i was 10 or 12, i dont know, but back to the point. My Mom asked the same exact question, and i said "I want to be an artist!" and my mom say. "NO! you dont get enough money as an artist, your going to be a doctor!" Thats how my childhood dreams were crushed :(. Yea, i still dont know what i want to be yet. I want to live a happy job free life and be a millionair! Just kidding, thats impossible. I remember the time when i went to check out my Dad's job! It was the best timeof my life! NOT! The worst time of my life. I stayed there waiting for him to be done doing whatever he needed to do. I was just sitting, sleeping and running around for no apparent reason. Anyways i just wanted to make it clear that i'm still too young to decide what i wat to be in the furture.

Monday, September 5, 2011

(500 word bio)Just About Sharon.

People may see me as the typical shy asian girl who sits in the corner of the room doing her own thing. People may think i'm a straight "A" student cause im Asian. Well they are wrong about everything, i'm a very talkative person once you get to know me and chat with me long "enough". Which apparently, people dont do so often. Yes i'm shy on the outside. Yes I'm Boring in many diffrent aspects, but i guess i cant change what people do nor think, But i am strong enough to continue my life without depending on others everytime, but it would be nice get some support.

Anyways, On with this ridiculous inrtoduction about my ridiculous life. I live in the little City called Alameda which is in the state of California. My ethnicity is chinese, which i told you already. My name is Sharon, but alot of people refer to me as Sharon(this is awkward.) I attend Alameda High School. My birthday is on July 14, 1996. I spend the most of my time just hanging out carefree. I'm not the type of person you see going around and spreading rumors nor do i like hearing them. I am the type of girl you see walking down the hallway minding her own buisiness and just does what every other person does in life.

I like sports, or so you may think i dont becauuse i dont join any at school, but i do like them very much. I play Tennis and i go swimming in my spare time. I may not look like the type of people who play sports, but i do. Although i'm not very good at tennis, i still play even if i make my team lose. I'm also a very artistic when it comes to drawing.

One of my pet peeves in life are when i'm chatting with someone online, they say stuff I dont even understand, like "SYAST" and i'm like "what?" I Also hate when people do this:
Friend: HEY!
Friend: What.
Friend: are.
Friend: you.
Friend: DOING!
Me: nothing?

On With My Writing Goals. In School  I hate when i have to write a essay about school stuff because my essays about school are never entertaining. I also want to improve my Vocabulary because all the words im using in this introduction aren't even high school level, and i want to improve my grammer because i suck at it! My Next one would be debate essays because nothing ever comes to mind when im debating about something.

This is Just a short Part of Me, Sharon Wong.