Tuesday, September 27, 2011

(response post) Ten years can wait.

"Where do you see yourself ten years from now?" -Peter Nguyen-
     I saw this post and was thinking about it for awhile. I really dont know yet, but i'm hoping ten years from now, I will have a happy life and something horrible isn't going to happen. Honestly, I dont think i should be worrying about what's going to happen in my life ten years from now because it's just gonna i still have to go through the present in order to figure out whats going to happen. You never know if it's going to be happy or not, you just have to keep going. Most people worry about what's going to happen ten years from now, like will i get into a good college? will i get a good job? Who am i really going to marry in the future? I think we all should just keep on going and wait till everything is revealed. Frankley, i too was worried about where i'm gonna be in the future, but the more i thought, the more i told myself, that there really is no use to worry over it.
     I usually dream that ten years from now, i'm gonna live in a decent looking house, go to college like most people, and get a job that pays well enough to buy clothes and food. I dont wish for anything big, but in ten years, i hope i can at least achieve some of those. Most people would probably want to live in a mansion, go to a university, and get a well paying job. I dont really thnk i would be able to accomplish those things, so that's why i'm starting with something little and hopefully dream a little bigger each year. I dont really know what i'm talking about. So in ten years, I hope my little dreams can become bigger. 

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