Tuesday, October 4, 2011

(response post) Think twice about School.

You're offered free education, something that isn't available to everyone and yet still decide to take it for granted.-Peter Nguyen-
I agree with Peter with this. Many people these days dont realize how good we have it to be able to learn and get good education. Some people dont even get a chance to be educated in good schools, and most people cant even spell words correctly or even write at all. So, we should be considered lucky that we could even read and write, if we couldn't read and write, we wouldn't even be doing these blog posts right now. Some people out there dont even appreciate the fact that our education is givin for free in schools with good condition. Some people out there in the world dont even have lights in there school, or even desks to write on. I think we should ba thankful that we at least have free education around here. How would you feel if we didn't have schools and couldn't read and write? Or if we did have schools, they would be run down, and it wouldn't even fit more than 50 people? We should appreciate the fact that our education is for free and actually respect the fact that our school isn't run down. I hope people would think twice and think to themselves if not coming to school, or thinking school is a waste of time really is the right thing to do because you never know when you might have to start paying for education.

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