Monday, September 12, 2011

(Free Post)Where can I get some?

This looks so good! I really want some, but sadly i don't know where to get it. I was browsing the internet, and came across it, and as hungry as i am right now, this makes me even more hungry and dinner isn't gonna start until a long time. I should tell someone to make it for me, but i don't think anyone knows how, and by the way, if anyone else is hungry, I'm sorry for torturing you. I'm hungry too. Maybe if i find out how to make it, then i can try and make some myself, but it's not gonna be that great. I'm gonna ask my Mom where i can get these, I'm pretty sure she will know, but i think she's in the process of making dinner, so i shouldn't bother. I know! I'll look it up online. The internet is so useful sometimes. Aw man! i don't know what it's called! Do you guys know? So much for the internet. I cant take this anymore. I'm too hungry to type now. I need food, and thanks for reading my dumb post about food. 


  1. Wow, this looks so delicious right now. As I passed your blog, I thought to myself, oh my god I hate this person what is she doing to me.
    Why would you post that, and I am so hungry right now.
    But I see now that you like myself are a food and dessert connoisseur and so I'm going to help you find this delicious dessert and maybe we can both find out where to get it.!+(and+a+bit+about+pairing+chocolate+with+liqueurs+in+recipes)
    It looks like a chocolate cookie parfait.
    Mystery solved! But I don't know where to get one. Maybe you should make one?

  2. I really like that picture too. :) and I like your wallpaper. how did you do that?
