Tuesday, October 25, 2011

(free post) Blurred in My Head.

     I opened my eyes, as the start of my first day was like any other. I would go to school, and leave school like i normally would. I do my homework at home and eat a snack and watch a video. Later on in the day, when wthe sun id setting, i walk out to the beach and sit down, as all the bad thoughts wash away from my head. i get up and take one deep breathe and walk away from the beach. Maybe tomarrow i would do the same, like i always do. It's dark now and the moon is out. I think to myself. "If people die, then their bad thoughts would wash away, and maybe be gone forever." But i guess i was wrong. If you take one step, you could possibly end up no where in life. But if you walk back on step, then your running away from everything. Which is it? Forwards or Backwards? If your expected to walk forward, then you could make a bad choice. People expect that of you, and expect less if you go away from your problems. I dont get it, why do they care if you walk one step up or one step down. It dosen't make sense. I continue walking as i knew. Today was my last.

     I get up, but i felt one sting in my eye. I rubbed my eyes and walk to get dressed. Something wasn't right. I felt as if i wasn't getting something in my head. My reactions felt diffrent. My head felt light. Maybe i should stay home today. I go back to my bed and lay down thinking. "Maybe i'm sick." I go back to sleep, and wake up again feeling diffrent. Something was choking me, my head felt like it was spinning. My eyes felt blurry. It was getting harder to breathe. I got up and shook my head. Nothing happend, my head felt like falling back down. Was i still on my bed? i couldn't tell. It felt like i fell to the ground. I didn't know what was in front of me. that's when i thought. "I'm sick." I felt like o was forgetting everything that i said yesterday night. I slowly closed my eyes, and thought. If i close my eyes, What will happen next? Will i see anything, or is everything blurred out for life.

     Note: This is just a story, not Real.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure if this is fiction or not, but if it isn't, you might be suffering from sleep paralysis or sleep apnea. Now, I'm no expert, but you may want to ask your doctor about what those problems could mean if it gets worse.
