Monday, October 3, 2011

(free post) I'm not mean, I'm just preparing you for the real world.

     So, i've been getting this alot recently, some people say "Sharon, why are you so mean?" Okay, well i only show my true self to a limited number of people, like my sisters, cousins, and just a few friends. Many people say i'm mean because i always say "you look fat.." "ugh... your hair is awful.." and "you suck at this, your just jealous you cant be like me.." Okay, i literally do say those stuff. But i guess you people who are reading this think i'm lying because you always see the quiet side of me, but i would say what i think is wrong with you, but just not to anyone because i dont know them. I would say if you hair is ugly, messed up, and i would say that the clothe you are wearing is ugly, but it's not because i'm mean, it's because i'm being honest and i'm preparing you for the real world. Not everyone would say your pretty, and people will talk behind your back, and say what they really think about you when your not there. You cant blame me for being mean.

     How would you like it if your going out with your friends/ boyfriend/girlfriend, or whatever, and someone says you look pretty, when you actually aren't. To me, it wouold make me feel twice as bad when i'm saying someone looks pretty when they actually have a stain on their clothe, messed up hair, and too much makeup or smudged. So you cant blame me for saying your ugly when all i'm doing is being honest to you. You wouldn't want your friends to think you look ugly do you? Hey if you dont lke my opinions, you dont have to ask me, because i'm just going to be honest a tell you the truth. Yes, i do sound mean, but i'm just preparing you for the real world out there.

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