Monday, September 12, 2011

(current event)Children are dieing in India!

NEW DELHI - Nineteen children have died of suspected encephalitis in Bihar northern India, reported the Indo- Asian News Service on Monday.
It's sad to hear that children in India are dieing because of encephalitis. The parents who lost their children must feel devastated knowing there children died. If i was them, i know i would feel helpless. All those children were trying to fight for their lives in India, but in the end they lost. I feel tears coming in my eyes just reading about it while i was surfing the internet trying to find a good current event for this post i have to do, but the thing i find really sad is that the children didn't know that they would die this soon. So now i feel really happy that I'm not affected by encephalitis, and i know that i should live my life to the fullest everyday, because you never know when something bad is going to happen to you. I hope one day, they could find a cure for encephalitis, so children wont have to suffer anymore because of encephalitis. 

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