Saturday, October 8, 2011

(current event) Are we Saved From Natural Disasters?

Japanese company New Comsopower has invented a modern-day "Noah's Ark" that can save up to 4 adults per capsule. When a disaster hits, such as tsunami, flood, earthquake, people can jump into this capsule and be protected without having to worry about what is happening outside. -source-
     I have to say, this is quite impressive actually. I never thought people would make such a great invention. I guess after everything that has happened in Japan, people decided to create this. It's quite useful because it could really save lives of a thousand people. Weather it's Earthquake, or Tsunami. It could even hold up to to 4 people, so children could be with their parents while a disaster is happening. It was named after Noah's Ark. You know the story about Noah was warned by god or whatever about a big storm i think, and he had to gather 1 of each living thing to bring with him on that ship. I'm not sure if I'm correct about the story, but anyways, back to the point.

     I also heard it was tested before delivering to customers, and it also has 2 breathing holes, so you wont be suffocating inside with 4 people, and it has a window somewhere, so you could see what's happening outside, and the color is yellow, so the rescuers or someone else could find you, but the only thing it cant stand is fire sadly because while the Capsule wont melt, the people inside would be cooked. It is also made so that it bobs right up the water, and so the people aren't spinning in different directions with the waves. One of these capsules would cost you $3,900 US money. Maybe one day i too might be able to earn enough money and buy myself one in case of any emergency. I think this is the best invention made yet, because it can actually save peoples lives.

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