Sunday, October 16, 2011

(free post) Too much issues with this generation.

      That is what i think everytime it's my bithday, and everytime it is, i always have people tell it to me on facebook, and never at school or something. I;'m starting to get tired of the same thing all the time. I mean, if you really are my friend, you wouldn't forget my birthday, and rely on facebook so much. I dont care if you tell it to me on facebook really. If your not going to say it to me in school or anything, then dont bother saying it on facebook because that dosen't really make you a great friend if you just use facebook to remember someones birthday. I'm tired of people doing that because then after, they dont care about it anymore. They dont do anything special for you or at least call me to say it. Is it really that hard to  remember your friends birthday? I'm not saying dont do it, but i'm starting to think that maybe i dont need a facebook because if everytime i have one people never say happy birthday to me in person. Ialways see it on my wall or something, and it kinda irritates me.

     I dont know why people this young needs that kind of stuff. To me it's like they have no life, i mean facebook and twitter? really? What do they even talk about? When i was 9 years old, i had nothing. All i had was food and clothes to wear. And yea i had coloring books and crayons, i used to love coloring, but kids these days have phones and ipods? i didn't have one till 8th grade. I dont see why kids need those stuff. What are they going to grow up to be like? Actually what are their parents even thinking? My parents wouldn't let me have any of those stuff because i was obviously to young. Shouldn't kids this young be outside playing sports or running around or playing on the play structure or something like that? i mean that's what i did when i was 9.

     I dont know why people call themselves ugly when they out a billion pictures of themselves on facebook or something. I mean if you hate your face that much then dont put it on the internet. Are you just waiting for someone to say your pretty? It's not like people want to hear you say your so ugly just so they can say no your not. I dont get why people do that honestly, but that is one of my biggest pet peeves. I hate when people do that, and they end up having 100+ more pictures of them on facebook.  I mean seriously, if you think your so ugly, just keep that to yourself and dont put so much pictures on for everyone to see or go get plastic surgery if you hate it that much.. I'm just kidding dont do that, that's even horrible. 

     This is another problem with facebook. People would always put up stupid comments like how sad they are, or that they are in love but that person dosen't like them. If your putting up a status of that, it's not like it's going to help you solve them. Or i'm going through my facebook and i see a person ranting about how much they hate another person, i mean if your doing that, then tell it to that person in person. No one wants to hear how much you hate them. It just shows how weak you are. People these days who do that dont have the courage to confess in person. All they do is put it as a status and hope the person will get hurt from it, but honestly, if your going to do that, well it dosen't show that your strong or cool. It's actually saying that your not brave enough to say it to the person.

     Sorry about my ranting about these, but i just had to because i've been experiencing these too much lately. Well it's not that me ranting this is going to change what perople do, but i just wanted to use this as my free post.

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