Saturday, September 24, 2011

(free post)Apologizing.

     I used to apologize a lot. I apologized for the stuff i did wrong and didn't do, but over the course of my life, I have learned that apologizing can exemplify a weakness and subliminal praise to someones superiority that can later feed to cockiness and arrogance. I've learned that apologizing doesn't show that your weak or wrong. It shows that your willing to set your differences. When do you know when to apologize for your misdemeanor? As of now, I don't find it necessary to apologize.  Why? because the phrase "sorry" is completely worn out. Everyone apologizes, and it comes to forgiveness. I'm tired of forgiving people because with forgiveness it means "second chances" To me, "Second Chances" are like a  re-do. I'm tired of Second chances because it's like giving the person a second chance to bring up your past, and let others make the same mistake again.

     Personally, I don't want my past anywhere near my present nor future. Quite frankly, I don't find it necessary to apologize for your own wrong doings. Us people only apologize because we hurt someones feeling. I'm always the one who apologizes because of what i have done, so now i have put up a barrier against that because I'm still gonna make the same mistake, and personally, I will say things that can hurt a persons race, religion, and sexuality. I'm an opinionated person, and so are you. I don't see any harm in that, I have the right of speech.  So why should i apologize of how i feel? Because it's rude, and can potentially hurt someones feelings? Well, In reality, not everyone's going to be comforting and nice like your friends and family. There are other human beings who possibly have more similarities than differences when compared to one another. There are many other people who make comments about your race, hobbies, lifestyle, and weight. So what I'm trying to say is why should i apologize to someone else when half the time others don't apologize for "hurting my feelings." Maybe it's because i don't say anything about it, but also because i laugh it off and remind myself that this world isn't some pretty landscape that we all want it to be.

1 comment:

  1. Paragraphs, please! Again, it's really important to break your writing down and organize it at least a little bit for your readers.
