Wednesday, October 19, 2011

(free post) Dont worry About Being Immature.

     Your never too old to have some fun. You can do whatever you want whenever you want. It's not gonna hurt just being something you want. I'm always immature outside of school. I like the feeling of being me. I dont care if i act like some 10 year old freak, i dont care if it's at night or in the morning, but it's better being yourself then something you hate. Being Immature is what makes you fun to be around. You dont want to be some person who tries to act mature and talk about boring important stuff, or talk about you and your love life every single minute. I think immature people are more fun to be around and to talk with. It feels easier to laugh with them. I'm always immature, but most people say why i act like that. I guess it's the way i am.

     Immature people are more carefree, and if your the mature and don't do anything stupid in your life, then you have't done aynthing at all. I'm sorry for being rude, but i think people should stop worrying about other things going on around them, and just do something fun. Even if your 30, you should party like your 18 because no one is ever too old to party like a maniac. I mean, i do all the time, who dosen't like to do that? If your worried about spending money, then stop. When you die you cant take it with you. I'm just saying. You shouldn't care how old you are. If your 40, make it seem like your 20, but that's up to you. I'm not in charge of what you think. I ust think in my opinion that people shouldn't worry about acting immature. That's a part of being human.

1 comment:

  1. hi sharon, i responded to this.
