Monday, September 19, 2011

(response post)Are Boys Really The Main topic for Girls?

Second example drives me insane sometimes, and that's when I see girls cry over boyfriends. For real though, ladies my age don't know much shit about what "real love" is -Bridget Kim
I totally agree with this. Most girls at my age always talk about boys, and who's cute and who's not. I get really irritated from listening to the same thing over and over again. Everytime someone brings it up, i always smile and go along with them, but i get really irritated from listening to it. Whenever i see a girl cry because a guy did something to her or because they broke up or whatever, i always think to myself. "Why not get over it and move on? is he really that important?" I always wonder what that guy has done for them, and if he was really worth keeping close to. I have to admit, that i too go crazy over guys sometimes, but it's not like i would cry over them because they dont like me. Many people would tell their friends who they like, but i dont because i dont like it everytime i see that one guy, and my friends go "hey, guess who it is? -points and laughs-" and i'm like whatever. then they go "why dont you go talk to him? ask him out already!" It just irritates me when friends do that. Or they would go up to him and talk to him and i'm like in the back minding my own buisiness while they are telling him to go to lunch with me or something. That's why i never tell my friends who i like, and plus, it's not like you need boys to have fun, and be happy.

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