Wednesday, October 19, 2011

(current event) Our world Is Changing For The Better!

The reaction uses a secret catalyst to transform nickel into copper with heat being produced which can be used to make steam, drive a Stirling engine, or be used for whatever you please. If this device works as claimed, the world will change and not just a little but hugely and at every level of how we’re organized, how we make stuff, how we travel, and how wealth is distributed.
     So, this new invention is called the E-Cat, and i cant wait till it comes out because if it works, then our whole world will change. People wont have to pay so much for energy. Many people could travel places without having to pay so much. Cars, trucks, and planes would use stirling engines, and that sounds really cool because it uses air i think. I think life would be much easier if this new invention works, and many people would be able to travel without worrying about the cost of gas. I mean, a billion people need gas for cars and other transportation, and gas is really expensive now and many people cant even pay for it. the E-Cat could also power you house or office which means the cost of elctricity could cost alot lesser.

     It is claimed that the E-Cat only needs initial heating after which the  reaction is self sustaining. i think this is the best invention for people who dont have enough money to pay for energy. I'm actually really excited for this because i want to know if it will work, and i really hope it does because it could change the world and the people who have problems with money. If this does work than i would be sooo sooo sooo happy. I mean, i just cant imagine how peoples lives would be with such cheap energy.

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