Sunday, October 9, 2011

(free post) I Wonder What The Person I'm Going To Marry Is Doing Right Now.

     Have you guys every wondered? Who is that person your gonna marry? Is he Hot? Is he intelligent, is he someone you know? or maybe he might be from another state. I always wondered who i was going to marry. Is he going to be with me forever? When will we meet? I guess all i have to do is wait until that time comes when i see that person.  I always hoped the person I'm gonna like would be the person i really liked, but i know i'm wrong, but no matter what time it is and where you are, you will always end up meeting that person because he's the one your going to be with. Sometimes i worry about it because i don't know who he is and where he is, but i just forget about it and say to myself "why should i worry? there is a reason why i'm going to choose him." Maybe the person you are with right now isn't the right one. I'm not trying to say he isn't. I'm just saying he might be, or he might actually be that person your waiting for.

     I am always thinking how i will meet that person, and if we will like each other the first time we meet. I even think about it at school, even though i'm supposed to be listening to the teacher, but i cant help knowing what he might be doing, but then on second thought, i wonder... Will i marry someone? will i be alone forever? Sometimes people weren't destined to have someone. I usually think about the negatives every time i think about something good, but then i guess everything happens for a reason right? or is it the choices you make that lead you in that direction? I hope the person i'm going to marry is going to have a good heart, caring, and will protect me. That's the person i wish to marry. I just wonder who that person is I'm going to marry, and what is he doing?

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