Monday, September 5, 2011

(500 word bio)Just About Sharon.

People may see me as the typical shy asian girl who sits in the corner of the room doing her own thing. People may think i'm a straight "A" student cause im Asian. Well they are wrong about everything, i'm a very talkative person once you get to know me and chat with me long "enough". Which apparently, people dont do so often. Yes i'm shy on the outside. Yes I'm Boring in many diffrent aspects, but i guess i cant change what people do nor think, But i am strong enough to continue my life without depending on others everytime, but it would be nice get some support.

Anyways, On with this ridiculous inrtoduction about my ridiculous life. I live in the little City called Alameda which is in the state of California. My ethnicity is chinese, which i told you already. My name is Sharon, but alot of people refer to me as Sharon(this is awkward.) I attend Alameda High School. My birthday is on July 14, 1996. I spend the most of my time just hanging out carefree. I'm not the type of person you see going around and spreading rumors nor do i like hearing them. I am the type of girl you see walking down the hallway minding her own buisiness and just does what every other person does in life.

I like sports, or so you may think i dont becauuse i dont join any at school, but i do like them very much. I play Tennis and i go swimming in my spare time. I may not look like the type of people who play sports, but i do. Although i'm not very good at tennis, i still play even if i make my team lose. I'm also a very artistic when it comes to drawing.

One of my pet peeves in life are when i'm chatting with someone online, they say stuff I dont even understand, like "SYAST" and i'm like "what?" I Also hate when people do this:
Friend: HEY!
Friend: What.
Friend: are.
Friend: you.
Friend: DOING!
Me: nothing?

On With My Writing Goals. In School  I hate when i have to write a essay about school stuff because my essays about school are never entertaining. I also want to improve my Vocabulary because all the words im using in this introduction aren't even high school level, and i want to improve my grammer because i suck at it! My Next one would be debate essays because nothing ever comes to mind when im debating about something.

This is Just a short Part of Me, Sharon Wong.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry about the one before I made a mistake, I just want to say I used one of a quote from this writing for the response post and here it is:;postID=9047293464036883392
