Tuesday, October 11, 2011

(free post) Talking Behind My Back?

     There are many people who think that if their friends or someone they just met, is talking behind their back, the just assum they are talking bad about them, which is sometimes true, but many people get hurt about it, and hate them more than they did before, but have you guys ever thought on the positive side, well i guess you can call it positve because every time someone talks behind my back, i usually say to myself in my head "talking behind my back? my life must obviously be more interesting than yours." Many people would just walk away feeling hurt, but if you look on the other side, the people who talk about you obviously have nothing better to talk about, so they talk about you. I dont get what's so great about spreading rumors and talking bad about your friend. In the end, it ends up hurting the person who started it, and he/she wont gain anything from hurting her friend or someone she dosen't even know that well. That person probably just wants to feel cool from spreading rumors that aren't true. I on the other hand think that those people just dont have the type of excitment in their life as you do.

     I used to get hurt from people talking behind my back, but as time went on, i learned to forget about it and let them talk bad. I learned that people who spread rumors aren't really the cool people, their actually stupid for doing that, because in the end it backfires, and that perso could end up getting hurt instead. I could be wrong about that. I think people who talk behind my back just want to get attention from everyone. I'm not saying everyones like that. This is just my opinion on what i think rumor spreaders are like. Now that i'm a hghschooler, i let people talk about me all they want because it dosen't really concern me how people think of me. That's what makes me diffrent from everyone else.

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