Wednesday, October 19, 2011

(response post) Littering is not Cool.

He's done and he suddenly flings his trash to the floor and runs up the slide to play tag or whatnot with his friends. -Gigi-
     I hate people who litter. It's like they dont know about what out planet is going through. Pollution if your one of those people. I've seen dirty disgusting trash everywhere, and people throwing them out of their cars, and on the benches. I've gotten so irritated of it recently, but since there is so much, I coudn't possibly clean them all. It's like people dont clean up after themselves, or at least their parents dont teach them that. I've seen people throw a piece of food wrapper to a trash can that is like a few feet away, and that person misses, and dosen't even bother to walk over to the trash can and pick it up. Then it makes me so irritated that i can't stop thinking about it, and i would turn around and pick it up. People these days should think about the earth, and what it's going through.

     I can't stand the scenery when there is pieces food on the ground, paper flying everywhere, gum on the floor, and mostly ciggarettes. Is it that hard to go up to a trash can and throw it away? I mean why would people make trash cans for then? so you could sleep in it? Or so You could think that it's there to throw you trash around it? It's not a decoration neither, it's called something useful to put un neeeded stuff in. I think people who litter are not cool or attractive. I thik they are dirty and unmannerly. I mean, do they appreciate earth?

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