Thursday, September 8, 2011

(free post)I'm Still Young.

Have you guys ever been asked what you wanted to be when you grew up? I did, and it just so happened today when i was doing my homework. My Mom comes into the room and says "what do you want to be when you grow up?" And i said "Please Mom i'm still in highschool, i dont know what i want to be when i grow up." That was how the convorsation went. I also remember that time when i was 10 or 12, i dont know, but back to the point. My Mom asked the same exact question, and i said "I want to be an artist!" and my mom say. "NO! you dont get enough money as an artist, your going to be a doctor!" Thats how my childhood dreams were crushed :(. Yea, i still dont know what i want to be yet. I want to live a happy job free life and be a millionair! Just kidding, thats impossible. I remember the time when i went to check out my Dad's job! It was the best timeof my life! NOT! The worst time of my life. I stayed there waiting for him to be done doing whatever he needed to do. I was just sitting, sleeping and running around for no apparent reason. Anyways i just wanted to make it clear that i'm still too young to decide what i wat to be in the furture.