Saturday, October 15, 2011

(response post) If your really a person, you should know what love is.

Everyone should have the right to be with the one they love. Even if it is with someone of the same sex. Love is love. -kristy vo-
     I agree with Kristy here. Everyone here is a person, and if they love the same sex, they are still one. What difference does it make if you like someone with the same gender? It's not like it's going to change the way a person acts or look, they are still the same. If people are making fun of someone for that reason, and making rude comments about it, then it's like forcing that person to be with someone they don't like. Love has many different meanings, like if a girl+girl=love, or guy+guy=love, and girl+guy= love, but if your like guy+no homo=stupidity. That clearly means you need to look up the definition of love in a dictionary, and it also means you don't have a heart. Love between any person shouldn't be looked down upon because a person should have the freedom to love whoever they want.

     How would you guys like it if someone said you couldn't like a person? Isn't that like taking away your freedom to love someone? If someone cant love who they want, then love wont even exist. People are3 people, and they will still be 20 years from now. It's not like if someone loves the same sex, then it would change them forever. People just act differently around a person who loves the same sex because they think it gross or because they think that person will do something to them, but if you were good friends before you knew about the persons love interest, then you can still be good friends with that person because if he never did anything to you, then what's the difference after you heard about his love interest? I think love is a strong word, and it has infinite meanings to it.

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