Tuesday, September 13, 2011

(Response post)The people who are impotant.

We don’t realize how important and valuable a person is until that person is gone. -Enkhlen Khurelbaatar
I completely agree with this person. People usually dont realize how important a person really is until they are gone. People really need to be thankful for what they have and who is there for them. Imagine telling your parents that you hate them, and want them to leave forever, and the next day, you heard that your parents died? Wont you feel bad for everything you have said to them? Cause you never know when that special someone is going to be gone forever. I would never want anyone close to me die because I love each and everyone of them. I think it's just plain stupid if anyone ever says go die or i never want to see you again because what if one day that person never came back to them. That person would surely regret everything they said to that person. So if you hate you parents, friends, or anyone close to you, then i think you should ask yourself if you really hate them because it would be sad to see someone so close to you die.

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