Tuesday, October 18, 2011

(current event) The Government has Failed Us.

NEW YORK — Protesters at the Occupy Wall Street camp in New York say they are fighting for America's downtrodden 99 percent. Now some of the hated one percent want it known that they are people too.

     I dont even know what is happening around here anymore, i mean seriously? Why would the government take away peoples rights to live in this world. Many people should have more than what they already have, but instead their houses are getting taken away, and their property that they bought with their own money. How would they like it if their houses were taken by someone? Many people are trying to earn enough money to live in this world, and raise their families. I dont see why high class people have to do that to everyone else below them. They are even lowering job payments and the ability to even have one? How do you expect people to earn a living for themselves. And what are they doing? they dont even care about us at all. They don't know what it's like to face these kinds of problems because they have it all, and we dont. What happened to this free world we lived in? Everyone used to be happy, but now we lost everything because the government simply dosen't care about us at all. Why can't everything just stay as it was many years ago when everyone had a place to live and food to eat, and money to use. Why must that be so difficult for you high class people to do? You guys wouldn't have to face this if you just kept it the way it used to be.

     Now we are forced to protest against you for our own rights. What happened to freedom? We lost that, too. We shouldn't have to go through tough times like this if you high class people at least give us enough to make a living and have a happy life, but i guess that didn't work out at all. Many people are worried about this situation, and you high class citizens aren't going to help one of us? Well let me help you answer that, you guys just dont care all do you? you guys could just sit back on your chair and watch, but i think even you guys should know, We Are Not Giving Up until you get out of that chair and give us something to be grateful for.(i didn't know how to end this, so might as well put something true and memorable.) 

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