Monday, October 3, 2011

(monthly essay)World Within A Human.

Sometimes I Pretend To be Normal, But it Gets Boring. So i go back to being me.

     I've been thinking, what is it to be human? I don't know, why don't you ask someone else? Their is so much humans on earth. You cant expect just one person to tell you what it's like to be human. Their are many different types of humans. Each with a different ability, thought, and lifestyle. I think every person has something different about them, which makes them different from all the other people out there, so that's why you can't expect me to explain this question, but here's what i think. Each person lives his/her own way, and does what he/she wants to do. They can also speak their minds freely if they wanted to. Us people have brains to think, but that not my case here.

     I think many people have their own ways of being human, Like some people are more clever and funnier than most people. Some people are known worldwide because of their talent, and some people just don't fit into any of those categories because it's just how they think. If they don't want to, then they don't want to because it all depends on a humans personality. This is what i think every human has to be a human. It's like me, my personality is the type that doesn't like talking in front of crowds, but likes to stand out, and not be like someone else. Aren't you a human? what is you personalty? Only You could answer that question yourself. I cant because i cant be every person on earth. Only a personality can make up a human because it help explain about the person, and what type of person he/she is. Maybe the human is mean, bold, funny, or maybe intelligent. I don't know anything.

     Their are many types of Personalities out there, and many humans can create them. A personality can help People make new friends, and maybe a few enemy's. If everyone didn't have a personality, then a human wouldn't be complete because then everyone would act the same, and this world wouldn't have much color into it because everyone is so mono. People might even do the same things and like the same things. Their wouldn't be much interesting people on earth if everyone doesn't have a personality. To me, I would feel like were all one person. It wouldn't even matter if you saw 1 billion other people because everyone would act the same. I'd feel like I've talked to everyone on earth, even if people have different names, it doesn't make a difference because we all act the same, and it would make me feel like I've met 1 billion other Sharons. This world will seem so dull.

     Wouldn't you get tired from meeting the same people with the same personalities. It's like making a new friend, but your actually making friends with yourself. I don't know if you guys would agree with me here, but i just think Us Humans wouldn't be able to live without having Personalities. A persons personality is what makes them different and exciting. It makes you meet all different types of people out their. You might even find out who's your enemy and who's not. I believe only Someones Personality is what helps us understand more about what a person is like, and is they are worth trusting or not. Many of us find best friends through he/she personality. So if everyone acts them same, you wouldn't even have a best friend because that person acts like you. It's like your going to treat the person how you treat yourself.

     Many people usually like a person for their personalities, that's why many people choose to be with them. Even though it is true that a human is Human for having feelings and thought, but most of those connect to their personalties. A persons personality is what brings out those thought and feeling. It's how people express themselves toward other people. For example, If someone is Angry, dissapointed, or in love, that persons Personality is what helps them to express their feelings. I know i've been saying Personality a lot in this Essay or whatever, but this is what i think the source to a human being is.  I know many people may not show their true Personality in public, but they do have one, i mean everyone has one. Even the word Personality has the word Person in it.

     Overall i have been writing about this for a few days now, and i think i've come to a conclusion that a Personality is what i think truley makes a human, but you cant depend on my opinion for what a human is made up of, i mean there are many more unheard possibilities out there, but what i'm saying is that many people have all kinds of personalities, some even have split. Anyways i think you've all heard my point of view on how what makes a human. So why dont you just tell me what you think? And hopefully i'm correct that everyone has different personalities. Although many people have different personalities, i cant guarentee that all of them are very nice. That's just not how the world works. This world isn't the type you see in sotrybooks, but weather it's ugly or beautiful, all personalities make this world just not dull i guess. That's why everyone in this world need Personalities and not just money, although i dont know why i said money, i just think someones personality is just as important as money. Well yea money buys us pretty clothes and food, and helps pay for out transportation, but in my opinion, i think someones personality is just as good as those, but i'm not saying i hate buying stuff, it's part of my lifetime goals, i love buying stuff, i know i'm a greedy person, but i guess that's just what my personality is. What's your personality?

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