Tuesday, September 20, 2011

(free post)Jumping to Conclusions

     Have you ever heard someone say "look at her.. She's such a loner." or "I think they are dating!" I hate it when people do that. It always leads to rumors and then they end up losing their friends. Don't people always say "Be Yourself?" Then why are they judging other people? Maybe that's how people are. If someone says to be them self then they shouldn't judge the person for who he/she is. Every time someone jumps to a conclusion when they don't even know one thing about that person. It makes me Frustrated even though I'm not the one being judged, but i have been in that situation before. Some people would literally talk behind my back and say I'm a loner, which I'm really not. Sometimes i want to smack them in the face. So if your one of those people, then I'd suggest you start getting to know the person before you actually judge them. Wouldn't you hate being judged behind your back? You never know when the person you have made fun of in the past actually become one of you best friends. It's not like I'm saying everyone is like that. I really don't know who is and who's not since i haven't actually talked to everyone around my school.

1 comment:

  1. i responded to your post Sharon.
