Tuesday, October 25, 2011

(response post) This Nice Place.

I don't know why but I would prefer to be in a small community than a big city like San Francisco or something. It's just hella chill to me. -Peter Nguyen-
     I agree with Peter here. I think being in a small city is better than a big one because in a small city, you get to know the people better and in a big city, you would see diffrent faces everyday. In Alameda, it's very peaceful and less noisy unlike big cities. I perfer Alamaeda because it's not loud, so i would be able to sleep better, and in big cities you hear cars, people yelling and cars beeping. That could get annoying sometimes because you wouldn't be able to sleep. Alameda is very peaceful to me. It may not have many places to go, but it's my home and it will always be. I'd rather stay in Alameda than go to a loud city, but i would go to the city because of the nice lights and shops, but i wouldn't live their everyday hearing loud noises, and Alameda is where all my friends are. If i went to somewhere like SF than, i wouldn't be able to see my best friends anymore.

     Many people say Alameda is boring and there's nothing new around here, but i think there's stuff to do everyday. People just can't find the right things to do around here. Just because it's small dosen't mean it has nothing to do. People are just being negative about this place. If people don't like living here, then they could always tell their parents to let them go to the big city. I actually do want to go to the big city sometimes, but not in terms of living there forever, but i do want to go because it's pretty and have more places to go to, but i'd stay in Alameda if i get the chance to move to a big city. Alameda is where i grew up, and where i spent my childhood.

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