Sunday, October 23, 2011

(response post) Hey! Are you Blind?

I became really pissed at all the people who ignored her after she was ran over. They walked way as if nothing was wrong! How could anyone not help that little girl?!?!
     I am mad about this. Like do people need glasses? well, i think they do. How can they not see that girl in the streets? Not one person took that time to stop and help her. Why would anyone do that? that's someones life. How would they like it if no one helped them when they got hurt or were run over by? This is just outrageous! But I'm glad someone had a heart to save that little girl. That persons is a true hero. The rest of those people, let's see what karma is going to do to you! I'm just glad that the girl didn't die. If she did, i blame all those people who passed her. Especially the 2 people in the car who drive right over her. How heartless are they? I bet they would want someone to help them if they got run over by a car.

     I've met a lot of heartless people, but not as heartless as all these 18 people and 2 drivers. Who in this world would do that? i thought everyone would at least stop and help someone in need, not run over them and walk pass them. What did their parents teach them? I'm so a furious about this. That girl was only 2 years old i think... but anyways, she was really young! How could they have the heart to do that? Do they need some new brains to think?! 

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