Thursday, October 20, 2011

(Free Post) Blacked Out.

      She took took one step out the door. It means she has taken one step closer to her life, where it will take her remains unknown. She takes another step, an another. She keeps going. The wind blows against her back, her hair blows into her face. She moves her hair out of the way, and takes an umbrella out to cover her from the many drops of rain that fell from the sky. She looks up and thinks... "why is it that one persons pain leads to another persons?" She continued... But where was she going? She keeps walking, and stops a few blocks away from her house. She see's the drops of rain falling down in front of her. She says to herself again.. "why does time continue when we don't want it to?" She takes one more step and stops in front of a tree. There's something written there.. it reads "Don't stop going.." She turns around, and see's another tree. Its says "are you running away from the truth?" That's correct, she was running away. She didn't want to keep going when she didn't know where to go, and every second that passes leads her closer to her destination. She didn't want that. The rain stops and the sun comes out shining right into her eyes. She closed it and out her hands in front of her face. She closes the umbrella and walks away from where she was. She stops in front of a guy.

     He looks rather decent. Messy hair, cute dimples, and dark brown eyes that pulled her in. He looked almost familiar, but who? He softly speaks.. "why are you walking away?" She looks at him, then down to her shoes. "i'm not.." He points her to the sky, "your going there soon right?" he guy puts his hands back down. She felt her heart skip one beat, "your British?" The guy laughs as he combs his hair back. "why how did you know?" The guy turns and walks away from her. She tries recalling where she saw him from? Just then, a hand grabs her and pulls her in. She felt a warm presence. She looks up and saw her boyfriend. He was 6'ft tall, blue eyes, short brown hair, and he was wearing a soft grey sweater. He whispered "why are you out here so early?" She smiles and turns around and gives him a passionate kiss. He pulls her in, and hugs her tightly. "you seem worried lately." Her boyfriend said. She pulls away from him, "I'm not worried, i'm just taking one step forward." She says in a low, almost fading voice. He takes her hand, "do you want to talk about it?" She pulls away from him, "no, I'm leaving soon." She said with a warm smile. He looks at her with his deep blue eyes, "where too?" He says a little confused. She wipes her eyes and say "i'm going home, to where i need to be."

     She walks into a room holding a paper. She wasn't afraid of taking that step, it was only one step. She see's that British guy again. He takes the paper from her and read. As he read, his eyes move slowly and gracefully. She couldn't take her eyes off him. At that one moment, it felt so nice. He gave her the paper back, "you seem troubled." He takes his scarf off, and puts it around her neck. "your boyfriends wont be mad if i do this right?" She freezes and looks up at him. "how did you know i had a boyfriend?" She takes his hand. The guy stops and looks into her eyes. She looked scared, but peaceful at the same time. "I just do..." He says. She let goes of his hands and let him wrap the scarf around her. The guy took a step back after he finished, "where ever you end up, there was a reason.." He walks away once again, but he didn't turn around. The girls felt something fall down her eyes. That was when she knew, she couldn't turn back. She sat down next to a desk and writes a letter, every word she wrote made her stronger, she knew what she had to do. She walks to her boyfriends house and puts the letter into his mailbox. She looks at his house and blows him a kiss, "this is the last one." She says as something fell down her cheeks. She turns to leave, she heads on to the unknown. She goes into a tall building filled with people. She walk up to a lady dressed in uniform, and hands her the paper. The lady looks up, and picks the phone up. "i'm ready for the last step." She says holding that scarf near her face.

     Someone grabs her hand. She turns around and see's the British guy. His hair was messy, and he was holding something in his other hand. It was an envelope. He handed it to her and smiles. She took the envelope and looks at him one last time. They both let go. She turns around to look at him, but she didn't know what his face expression was. Was she never going to know what it was? She sat down, and a man came in. He was wearing a uniform, and he he told her to follow him. She did as she was told. She didn't want to turn back now, she was afraid, afraid she was going to leave them. The guy told her to lay down. She did as she was told, but then she asked if she could do one last thing. He nodded. She opened the envelope and there was a letter and a necklace. She read the letter, and it said:

You turned away, but still came back. You took the strongest step
forward. I know this is hard, but try and remember.
everything that has happened in your life had a reason.
Everytime you saw me was probably your imaginaton. Don't worry
about me. Maybe i, too will head in the same direction you walked.

The girl stopped when she finished reading and she looked at the necklace once more, and that's when it happened. Her eyes filled with tears, she could not believe what she read. Her heart almost stopped. She covered her mouth and tried not to make any sounds. She shut her eyes as the tears flowed out. The guy asked if she was ready. She lied down and closed her eyes signaling that she was ready. The guy took something and prepared it. The tears wouldn't stop coming down her face. More people came in to help the guy. She could feel her heart slowly beating, and then her eyes closed and her hands let loose and fell down. She stopped breathing. "Maybe i could see you again, but right now.. i'm going home to where i belong."   

     This isn't a suicide. It's a disease that she had to deal with. :)

1 comment:

  1. Is this a story about a suicide? You don't have to answer, it's just what I'm left wondering about. I like your story, but I think it would be more powerful if we knew more about the characters!!! How about it? Thank you for sharing with us your creativity :)))
