Tuesday, October 25, 2011

(free post) Blurred in My Head.

     I opened my eyes, as the start of my first day was like any other. I would go to school, and leave school like i normally would. I do my homework at home and eat a snack and watch a video. Later on in the day, when wthe sun id setting, i walk out to the beach and sit down, as all the bad thoughts wash away from my head. i get up and take one deep breathe and walk away from the beach. Maybe tomarrow i would do the same, like i always do. It's dark now and the moon is out. I think to myself. "If people die, then their bad thoughts would wash away, and maybe be gone forever." But i guess i was wrong. If you take one step, you could possibly end up no where in life. But if you walk back on step, then your running away from everything. Which is it? Forwards or Backwards? If your expected to walk forward, then you could make a bad choice. People expect that of you, and expect less if you go away from your problems. I dont get it, why do they care if you walk one step up or one step down. It dosen't make sense. I continue walking as i knew. Today was my last.

     I get up, but i felt one sting in my eye. I rubbed my eyes and walk to get dressed. Something wasn't right. I felt as if i wasn't getting something in my head. My reactions felt diffrent. My head felt light. Maybe i should stay home today. I go back to my bed and lay down thinking. "Maybe i'm sick." I go back to sleep, and wake up again feeling diffrent. Something was choking me, my head felt like it was spinning. My eyes felt blurry. It was getting harder to breathe. I got up and shook my head. Nothing happend, my head felt like falling back down. Was i still on my bed? i couldn't tell. It felt like i fell to the ground. I didn't know what was in front of me. that's when i thought. "I'm sick." I felt like o was forgetting everything that i said yesterday night. I slowly closed my eyes, and thought. If i close my eyes, What will happen next? Will i see anything, or is everything blurred out for life.

     Note: This is just a story, not Real.

(response post) This Nice Place.

I don't know why but I would prefer to be in a small community than a big city like San Francisco or something. It's just hella chill to me. -Peter Nguyen-
     I agree with Peter here. I think being in a small city is better than a big one because in a small city, you get to know the people better and in a big city, you would see diffrent faces everyday. In Alameda, it's very peaceful and less noisy unlike big cities. I perfer Alamaeda because it's not loud, so i would be able to sleep better, and in big cities you hear cars, people yelling and cars beeping. That could get annoying sometimes because you wouldn't be able to sleep. Alameda is very peaceful to me. It may not have many places to go, but it's my home and it will always be. I'd rather stay in Alameda than go to a loud city, but i would go to the city because of the nice lights and shops, but i wouldn't live their everyday hearing loud noises, and Alameda is where all my friends are. If i went to somewhere like SF than, i wouldn't be able to see my best friends anymore.

     Many people say Alameda is boring and there's nothing new around here, but i think there's stuff to do everyday. People just can't find the right things to do around here. Just because it's small dosen't mean it has nothing to do. People are just being negative about this place. If people don't like living here, then they could always tell their parents to let them go to the big city. I actually do want to go to the big city sometimes, but not in terms of living there forever, but i do want to go because it's pretty and have more places to go to, but i'd stay in Alameda if i get the chance to move to a big city. Alameda is where i grew up, and where i spent my childhood.

(free post)A Dream Deferred.

What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
     Dreams are Important. Wheather it's stupid or not, it's what helps you work harder to get what you want. Even if you want to be a millionair. That dream helps you move forward. But if it's postponed, well, i actually dont think it can be possible. Dreams are dreams, and no one can take it away from you. You can dream whenever you want and whatever you want. It cant be postponed just because you lose hope in it, or if you cant accomplish it. If you drop that dream, then you simply just forget about it, but if you think that dream is impossible, well i think your wrong. Dreams aren't impossible. Even the word says it. "I'm Possible." I've had many dreams in my life, and i still do. I dont think just because i cant finish it means i cant accomplish it. I can start and finish whenever i want. Many people would give up, and forget they even wanted to do that. I'm not saying you have to do your dreams or you can't not dream about it. I'm just thinking that it's kind of wierd that you can postpone a dream.

     I know many people who's dreams dont come true, but i still think they can strive for it and get closer to their dreams step by step. Even if it takes 20 years. They never know if that dream will be one step away from them. Many people think that their dreams are stupid or impossible to do, but maybe if they thought about it more, then they might be able to achieve it. Anyways, i'm just saying that dreams can't be postponed, or else it wouldn't be a dream anymore because sometimes you would forget you even dreamed of doing that.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

(response post) Hey! Are you Blind?

I became really pissed at all the people who ignored her after she was ran over. They walked way as if nothing was wrong! How could anyone not help that little girl?!?!
     I am mad about this. Like do people need glasses? well, i think they do. How can they not see that girl in the streets? Not one person took that time to stop and help her. Why would anyone do that? that's someones life. How would they like it if no one helped them when they got hurt or were run over by? This is just outrageous! But I'm glad someone had a heart to save that little girl. That persons is a true hero. The rest of those people, let's see what karma is going to do to you! I'm just glad that the girl didn't die. If she did, i blame all those people who passed her. Especially the 2 people in the car who drive right over her. How heartless are they? I bet they would want someone to help them if they got run over by a car.

     I've met a lot of heartless people, but not as heartless as all these 18 people and 2 drivers. Who in this world would do that? i thought everyone would at least stop and help someone in need, not run over them and walk pass them. What did their parents teach them? I'm so a furious about this. That girl was only 2 years old i think... but anyways, she was really young! How could they have the heart to do that? Do they need some new brains to think?! 

(free post) Behind Those Walls.

     I am looking at something tall. There's no end, but then everything ends, why is this infinite? It looks foggy up here, more so, it feels like a dream. No, it's not. I see nothing but this strange tall white wall standing in front of me. There's not way around it, and no way under or above it. I don't understand why I'm here. Where is this place? I can't be dead. Heaven should be in the sky, but instead this looks more like no where. The more i look, the more I'm confused. I wonder, yet i still walk. I'm not supposed to go anywhere. I was left alone for how long now? Maybe 16 years. I didn't like hearing that word. I see an umbrella. The one i used every year and every rainy day. It was yellow and had white spots on it, but everyone knows nothing lasts forever. Even your life. Everyone has to go somewhere, where they belong. Weather it's no where or somewhere. We all go where we need to. Maybe I don't have a place to go, no my place is here. No ones with me, but this umbrella, but that day when it left, was the day i knew, everything gets damaged. Weather your human or animal. No ones perfect, no one lives forever, but there's one thing that wont change. Every person and every object and animal has somewhere to go. Maybe behind those walls are where i need to be. I need to find my place in this world. These walls must hide something big, yet they are so simple. Not hard to understand. I just have to push through them, and I'll get to where i have to go.

     I take one step, and the walls break. I don't see much. I just see everything i need to be with. This is where i stay forever, and ever because i can't turn back, i cant leave. I see a scenery. It's night, but the sky is a little orange and blue. It eases my mind to know such a peaceful place exists in this place. No one can hurt me this way. I see someone else. It's a guy, but he is turned away from me. Maybe he dosen't have a place to go. Like me. Maybe this is where he is supposed to be forever. He turns my way, but i can't see his face still. He waves at me, i wave back. Suddenly it starts snowing. How? I turn to leave. Wait, i cant leave because this is my new home. Somehow i knew, i had died. It was only me and him forever here in this silent world.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

(Free Post) Blacked Out.

      She took took one step out the door. It means she has taken one step closer to her life, where it will take her remains unknown. She takes another step, an another. She keeps going. The wind blows against her back, her hair blows into her face. She moves her hair out of the way, and takes an umbrella out to cover her from the many drops of rain that fell from the sky. She looks up and thinks... "why is it that one persons pain leads to another persons?" She continued... But where was she going? She keeps walking, and stops a few blocks away from her house. She see's the drops of rain falling down in front of her. She says to herself again.. "why does time continue when we don't want it to?" She takes one more step and stops in front of a tree. There's something written there.. it reads "Don't stop going.." She turns around, and see's another tree. Its says "are you running away from the truth?" That's correct, she was running away. She didn't want to keep going when she didn't know where to go, and every second that passes leads her closer to her destination. She didn't want that. The rain stops and the sun comes out shining right into her eyes. She closed it and out her hands in front of her face. She closes the umbrella and walks away from where she was. She stops in front of a guy.

     He looks rather decent. Messy hair, cute dimples, and dark brown eyes that pulled her in. He looked almost familiar, but who? He softly speaks.. "why are you walking away?" She looks at him, then down to her shoes. "i'm not.." He points her to the sky, "your going there soon right?" he guy puts his hands back down. She felt her heart skip one beat, "your British?" The guy laughs as he combs his hair back. "why how did you know?" The guy turns and walks away from her. She tries recalling where she saw him from? Just then, a hand grabs her and pulls her in. She felt a warm presence. She looks up and saw her boyfriend. He was 6'ft tall, blue eyes, short brown hair, and he was wearing a soft grey sweater. He whispered "why are you out here so early?" She smiles and turns around and gives him a passionate kiss. He pulls her in, and hugs her tightly. "you seem worried lately." Her boyfriend said. She pulls away from him, "I'm not worried, i'm just taking one step forward." She says in a low, almost fading voice. He takes her hand, "do you want to talk about it?" She pulls away from him, "no, I'm leaving soon." She said with a warm smile. He looks at her with his deep blue eyes, "where too?" He says a little confused. She wipes her eyes and say "i'm going home, to where i need to be."

     She walks into a room holding a paper. She wasn't afraid of taking that step, it was only one step. She see's that British guy again. He takes the paper from her and read. As he read, his eyes move slowly and gracefully. She couldn't take her eyes off him. At that one moment, it felt so nice. He gave her the paper back, "you seem troubled." He takes his scarf off, and puts it around her neck. "your boyfriends wont be mad if i do this right?" She freezes and looks up at him. "how did you know i had a boyfriend?" She takes his hand. The guy stops and looks into her eyes. She looked scared, but peaceful at the same time. "I just do..." He says. She let goes of his hands and let him wrap the scarf around her. The guy took a step back after he finished, "where ever you end up, there was a reason.." He walks away once again, but he didn't turn around. The girls felt something fall down her eyes. That was when she knew, she couldn't turn back. She sat down next to a desk and writes a letter, every word she wrote made her stronger, she knew what she had to do. She walks to her boyfriends house and puts the letter into his mailbox. She looks at his house and blows him a kiss, "this is the last one." She says as something fell down her cheeks. She turns to leave, she heads on to the unknown. She goes into a tall building filled with people. She walk up to a lady dressed in uniform, and hands her the paper. The lady looks up, and picks the phone up. "i'm ready for the last step." She says holding that scarf near her face.

     Someone grabs her hand. She turns around and see's the British guy. His hair was messy, and he was holding something in his other hand. It was an envelope. He handed it to her and smiles. She took the envelope and looks at him one last time. They both let go. She turns around to look at him, but she didn't know what his face expression was. Was she never going to know what it was? She sat down, and a man came in. He was wearing a uniform, and he he told her to follow him. She did as she was told. She didn't want to turn back now, she was afraid, afraid she was going to leave them. The guy told her to lay down. She did as she was told, but then she asked if she could do one last thing. He nodded. She opened the envelope and there was a letter and a necklace. She read the letter, and it said:

You turned away, but still came back. You took the strongest step
forward. I know this is hard, but try and remember.
everything that has happened in your life had a reason.
Everytime you saw me was probably your imaginaton. Don't worry
about me. Maybe i, too will head in the same direction you walked.

The girl stopped when she finished reading and she looked at the necklace once more, and that's when it happened. Her eyes filled with tears, she could not believe what she read. Her heart almost stopped. She covered her mouth and tried not to make any sounds. She shut her eyes as the tears flowed out. The guy asked if she was ready. She lied down and closed her eyes signaling that she was ready. The guy took something and prepared it. The tears wouldn't stop coming down her face. More people came in to help the guy. She could feel her heart slowly beating, and then her eyes closed and her hands let loose and fell down. She stopped breathing. "Maybe i could see you again, but right now.. i'm going home to where i belong."   

     This isn't a suicide. It's a disease that she had to deal with. :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

(free post) What it feels like to....

     Being in the city is probably what i love most. Being in a city is like looking at stars. You see all the lights at night, and it makes you want to stay outside and look at them. The city might not be the most relaxing place to be, but it's has the most beautiful lights your eyes will ever see. One Day I'm going to live in the big city just to look at the lights. Who wouldn't love it? I always dreamed of living in a big city like L.A, New York, etc. I guess I'm just a city person. The city side also has the best shopping places, and i love shopping more than anything. I could shop like forever in a mall and still not get bored. That's another reason i love to live in the city side. Although the city could be loud sometimes, but it's still beautiful.

     Being at a beach in the evening is like the most peaceful, mind relaxing thing you could do. Especially when no ones there. When your and you can just sit in the sand and cry all you want without anyone noticing you and when you want to be alone. Listening to music at the beach is also the best thing to do because it relaxes your mind. When your at the beach on a summer evening, you feel as if no ones keeping you back from doing what you need to do. You feel as if you have freedom and nothing to worry about because it's just so nice at the beach. I would do that everyday on summer if i could. The beach is the most peaceful place to be for me when i'm feeling miserable.
     Eating this would be like heaven. Just look at it, isn't it delicious? I would eat that for my dessert if i could make it. All that cream, and chocolate. I really want this right now. It looks like paradise right now, but sadly it's only a photo. Look at those rasberries. Dont they look good? Whoever made that is lucky! That combination looks so good, i want to eat that photo! I think that eating that would be my wish come true because it's a cake, and it's creamy with fruit flavors and chocolate. I'm really bad at describing food, so i should stop now.... You guys are probably puke after my description of this food.

     I Actually think doing this would be kinda cool, but scary at the same time.  Doing that would be scary because what if you missed and hit the ground? I would be horrified if that happened. I dont think i'll ever have enough courage to do that. But it's kinda cool cause if you are on the wrong platform you oculd jump across haha. I wonder how that person even had the courage to actually do this? how many time did he get hurt just to do that? Well if you look at him, i guess i a little easier, but when you actually do it, it's gonna be so so hard. Even i dont think i'll do it in a million years. Maybe until i could at least jump over a rock like that.