Tuesday, September 27, 2011

(response post) Ten years can wait.

"Where do you see yourself ten years from now?" -Peter Nguyen-
     I saw this post and was thinking about it for awhile. I really dont know yet, but i'm hoping ten years from now, I will have a happy life and something horrible isn't going to happen. Honestly, I dont think i should be worrying about what's going to happen in my life ten years from now because it's just gonna i still have to go through the present in order to figure out whats going to happen. You never know if it's going to be happy or not, you just have to keep going. Most people worry about what's going to happen ten years from now, like will i get into a good college? will i get a good job? Who am i really going to marry in the future? I think we all should just keep on going and wait till everything is revealed. Frankley, i too was worried about where i'm gonna be in the future, but the more i thought, the more i told myself, that there really is no use to worry over it.
     I usually dream that ten years from now, i'm gonna live in a decent looking house, go to college like most people, and get a job that pays well enough to buy clothes and food. I dont wish for anything big, but in ten years, i hope i can at least achieve some of those. Most people would probably want to live in a mansion, go to a university, and get a well paying job. I dont really thnk i would be able to accomplish those things, so that's why i'm starting with something little and hopefully dream a little bigger each year. I dont really know what i'm talking about. So in ten years, I hope my little dreams can become bigger. 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

(free post)Apologizing.

     I used to apologize a lot. I apologized for the stuff i did wrong and didn't do, but over the course of my life, I have learned that apologizing can exemplify a weakness and subliminal praise to someones superiority that can later feed to cockiness and arrogance. I've learned that apologizing doesn't show that your weak or wrong. It shows that your willing to set your differences. When do you know when to apologize for your misdemeanor? As of now, I don't find it necessary to apologize.  Why? because the phrase "sorry" is completely worn out. Everyone apologizes, and it comes to forgiveness. I'm tired of forgiving people because with forgiveness it means "second chances" To me, "Second Chances" are like a  re-do. I'm tired of Second chances because it's like giving the person a second chance to bring up your past, and let others make the same mistake again.

     Personally, I don't want my past anywhere near my present nor future. Quite frankly, I don't find it necessary to apologize for your own wrong doings. Us people only apologize because we hurt someones feeling. I'm always the one who apologizes because of what i have done, so now i have put up a barrier against that because I'm still gonna make the same mistake, and personally, I will say things that can hurt a persons race, religion, and sexuality. I'm an opinionated person, and so are you. I don't see any harm in that, I have the right of speech.  So why should i apologize of how i feel? Because it's rude, and can potentially hurt someones feelings? Well, In reality, not everyone's going to be comforting and nice like your friends and family. There are other human beings who possibly have more similarities than differences when compared to one another. There are many other people who make comments about your race, hobbies, lifestyle, and weight. So what I'm trying to say is why should i apologize to someone else when half the time others don't apologize for "hurting my feelings." Maybe it's because i don't say anything about it, but also because i laugh it off and remind myself that this world isn't some pretty landscape that we all want it to be.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

(free post)Jumping to Conclusions

     Have you ever heard someone say "look at her.. She's such a loner." or "I think they are dating!" I hate it when people do that. It always leads to rumors and then they end up losing their friends. Don't people always say "Be Yourself?" Then why are they judging other people? Maybe that's how people are. If someone says to be them self then they shouldn't judge the person for who he/she is. Every time someone jumps to a conclusion when they don't even know one thing about that person. It makes me Frustrated even though I'm not the one being judged, but i have been in that situation before. Some people would literally talk behind my back and say I'm a loner, which I'm really not. Sometimes i want to smack them in the face. So if your one of those people, then I'd suggest you start getting to know the person before you actually judge them. Wouldn't you hate being judged behind your back? You never know when the person you have made fun of in the past actually become one of you best friends. It's not like I'm saying everyone is like that. I really don't know who is and who's not since i haven't actually talked to everyone around my school.

(Column)Where Am I?

     It was dark outside, so i decided to hurry home before something happens to me. I was carrying a glass bottle on my way home. My friend had given it to me today at school, but i didn't know why. The bottle felt light, and carried nothing in it. Maybe i could use it to store water? Nah, maybe it was for something else. I continued walking. I turned around the corner and i felt something hit my back. It felt like a baseball bat,but it didnt hurt as much. I fell to the ground face first,and my eyes got blurry, and i saw blood flowing onto the ground. I slowly closed my eyes and everything blacked out. I woke up a few hours later, but i didn't know what time it was because i couldn't see my cellphone. Was i dreaming? no it felt like a dream, but then again it feels real. I looked around and found myself sitting on something. It felt like wood, and it had arms on both sides. Of course, i was sitting on a chair. I looked on both sides, but didnt see any trees or side walks. Was i in a room? But where? I didn't see any windows nor did i see the door to the room.
     I remembered being hit by something hard. I reached for my head to feel if i was still bleeding. I felt something wrapped around my head. It was a bandage. It felt tight around my head, but at least the blood wasn't dripping on my clothes. At least i hope not. I wonder who tied it on for me. Was it the person that hit me? I got off the chair and tried to feel my way to the walls of the room. I then remembered. Where was my bottle? I turned back around and tried to find the chair i was sitting on, but i couldn't find it. I Tripped on something hard. It felt like a rock. I tried to feel my way on the floor. I felt something. Was it the rock i tripped on? I picked it up, but i couldn't even see my hands because the room was so dark. It felt rough on the surface. I put it back down and continued to find the chair. That's when i bumped my head onto comething stiff. Was it the Chair? No it didnt feel like it. It felt longer then the chair i was sitting on. And onthe bottom felt like a brush. Was it a broom? I picked myself up and took the broom. I used the broom as if i was blind. I used it to find my way around. I felt the broom tap something. Was it my bottle? I bent down to pick it up. No it was a piece of glass. Maybe it was part of the bottle i was holding. The glass didn't feel dusty. It still felt fresh. I touched around the glass, and accidently cut myself with it. I dropped the glass and felt blood coming out of my finger. I didnt have any bandages with me, so i continued to search for my bottle. I felt the broom hit something hard. I continued walking and bumped into something flat and tall. It was a wall! At last. I dropped the broom and used the wall as my guide to find the light switch. I moved along the wall , but i didnt feel any light switch nor any doors. The walls felt rocky and it hurt my hands. After one hour of searching for a light, i couldn't find anything. i gave up and sat down on the floor leaning against the wall. i heard the sound of dogs and a footstep followed by a creaking sound.

     I looked around the room, but what was the use if i couldn't see anything. It must be outside, but it sounded so near. Like it was inside the room. I felt my body overflow with goosebumps. I took a deep breath and stood up. The room smelled of dust, and it was making me cough. Then i heard another cough, but it wasn't from me. I stopped for a second and my legs started shaking. I heard a dogs bark, but i knew that wasn't in the room. It was outside. i heard the floor creak, but i wasn't walking. I wanted to say something, but i couldn't find the right words to say. I took one step and felt myself kick something. I looked down and picked what i had kicked. It felt like a pillow. It was soft and fluffy. It felt like how the pillow i slept on at home felt like, but i couldn;t think straight because i had a feeling that i wasn't the only one in this room. Just the i heard another creak on the floor. I felt someones hands puch against my shoulders. I fell backwards and hit my head on the wall. My head felt a little pain. I wasn't sure if it was the bat that hit me, or when my head hit those rough walls. Did i just blackout? I'm not sure since the room was so dark, i couldn't tell at all. I woke up finding myself back in my room. Was i dreaming? No it felt too real, but the bandage wasn't on my head anymore. and the finger i had cut was bandaged. I saw The bottle my friend gave me right next to me. There was also dust on my shoulders. Was it from the guy who had pushed me earlier? I got up and looked at my pillow which had tiny drops of blood. It was from my head which was hit earlier. I saw the bandage that was wrapped around my head right in the palms of my hand. Who had saved me?        

Monday, September 19, 2011

(response post)Are Boys Really The Main topic for Girls?

Second example drives me insane sometimes, and that's when I see girls cry over boyfriends. For real though, ladies my age don't know much shit about what "real love" is -Bridget Kim
I totally agree with this. Most girls at my age always talk about boys, and who's cute and who's not. I get really irritated from listening to the same thing over and over again. Everytime someone brings it up, i always smile and go along with them, but i get really irritated from listening to it. Whenever i see a girl cry because a guy did something to her or because they broke up or whatever, i always think to myself. "Why not get over it and move on? is he really that important?" I always wonder what that guy has done for them, and if he was really worth keeping close to. I have to admit, that i too go crazy over guys sometimes, but it's not like i would cry over them because they dont like me. Many people would tell their friends who they like, but i dont because i dont like it everytime i see that one guy, and my friends go "hey, guess who it is? -points and laughs-" and i'm like whatever. then they go "why dont you go talk to him? ask him out already!" It just irritates me when friends do that. Or they would go up to him and talk to him and i'm like in the back minding my own buisiness while they are telling him to go to lunch with me or something. That's why i never tell my friends who i like, and plus, it's not like you need boys to have fun, and be happy.

(current events)Is Michelle le found?

On Saturday, volunteers found a body in an unincorporated area between  Pleasanton and Sunol where authorities believe Le had been, based on cellphone records.
     I kind of hope it's michelle le's body because if she had been killed by giselle, then they found her body and her family could be at peace knowing their daughter has been found. I also dont wish for her body to be found because that means their still might be a chance she is alive somewhere out there. And is giselle esteban did kill her friend over one guy, then that is just ridiculous. She could just move on and find another guy that truley loves her. She shouldn't kill her friend for something as stupid as that. It's not like killing her would make her feel any better knowing she's gonna get caught by the police. Anyways, if they found michelles body, then i would be relieved because all of this would be solved, well almost. Her family would be at peace sort of. I hope giselle confesses her wrong doings if she did kill michelle. Just looking at all the photos of Michelle, i felt hearbroken knowing that such a beautiful, happy girl has been killed/kidnapped by her friend possibly. I hope michelles family would feel better, i wish i could do something for them, but anyways sorry for your loss and best of luck to you guys.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

(Response post)The people who are impotant.

We don’t realize how important and valuable a person is until that person is gone. -Enkhlen Khurelbaatar
I completely agree with this person. People usually dont realize how important a person really is until they are gone. People really need to be thankful for what they have and who is there for them. Imagine telling your parents that you hate them, and want them to leave forever, and the next day, you heard that your parents died? Wont you feel bad for everything you have said to them? Cause you never know when that special someone is going to be gone forever. I would never want anyone close to me die because I love each and everyone of them. I think it's just plain stupid if anyone ever says go die or i never want to see you again because what if one day that person never came back to them. That person would surely regret everything they said to that person. So if you hate you parents, friends, or anyone close to you, then i think you should ask yourself if you really hate them because it would be sad to see someone so close to you die.

Monday, September 12, 2011

(current event)Children are dieing in India!

NEW DELHI - Nineteen children have died of suspected encephalitis in Bihar northern India, reported the Indo- Asian News Service on Monday.
It's sad to hear that children in India are dieing because of encephalitis. The parents who lost their children must feel devastated knowing there children died. If i was them, i know i would feel helpless. All those children were trying to fight for their lives in India, but in the end they lost. I feel tears coming in my eyes just reading about it while i was surfing the internet trying to find a good current event for this post i have to do, but the thing i find really sad is that the children didn't know that they would die this soon. So now i feel really happy that I'm not affected by encephalitis, and i know that i should live my life to the fullest everyday, because you never know when something bad is going to happen to you. I hope one day, they could find a cure for encephalitis, so children wont have to suffer anymore because of encephalitis. 

(Free Post)Where can I get some?

This looks so good! I really want some, but sadly i don't know where to get it. I was browsing the internet, and came across it, and as hungry as i am right now, this makes me even more hungry and dinner isn't gonna start until a long time. I should tell someone to make it for me, but i don't think anyone knows how, and by the way, if anyone else is hungry, I'm sorry for torturing you. I'm hungry too. Maybe if i find out how to make it, then i can try and make some myself, but it's not gonna be that great. I'm gonna ask my Mom where i can get these, I'm pretty sure she will know, but i think she's in the process of making dinner, so i shouldn't bother. I know! I'll look it up online. The internet is so useful sometimes. Aw man! i don't know what it's called! Do you guys know? So much for the internet. I cant take this anymore. I'm too hungry to type now. I need food, and thanks for reading my dumb post about food. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

(current event)Are we growing or just Falling?

Growing up and going through the anniversary of 9/11 every year made me aware of all the situations going on in the U.S -Vivian Nguyen
I Personally haven't even heard of the event on 9/11 until i heard in class a few days ago in English, So i wouldn't say every year made me feel aware, but after hearing it in class, It really made my head hurt just to think what happened on 9/11. I wonder if our country was going to change for the better or the worst. I really don't know what will happen to the country , but I know we will be stronger for what comes next. But I'm still uneasy about all these years that i haven't known about 9/11, and what was going on in our society. I was really hoping for everything to be resolved.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

(free post)I'm Still Young.

Have you guys ever been asked what you wanted to be when you grew up? I did, and it just so happened today when i was doing my homework. My Mom comes into the room and says "what do you want to be when you grow up?" And i said "Please Mom i'm still in highschool, i dont know what i want to be when i grow up." That was how the convorsation went. I also remember that time when i was 10 or 12, i dont know, but back to the point. My Mom asked the same exact question, and i said "I want to be an artist!" and my mom say. "NO! you dont get enough money as an artist, your going to be a doctor!" Thats how my childhood dreams were crushed :(. Yea, i still dont know what i want to be yet. I want to live a happy job free life and be a millionair! Just kidding, thats impossible. I remember the time when i went to check out my Dad's job! It was the best timeof my life! NOT! The worst time of my life. I stayed there waiting for him to be done doing whatever he needed to do. I was just sitting, sleeping and running around for no apparent reason. Anyways i just wanted to make it clear that i'm still too young to decide what i wat to be in the furture.

Monday, September 5, 2011

(500 word bio)Just About Sharon.

People may see me as the typical shy asian girl who sits in the corner of the room doing her own thing. People may think i'm a straight "A" student cause im Asian. Well they are wrong about everything, i'm a very talkative person once you get to know me and chat with me long "enough". Which apparently, people dont do so often. Yes i'm shy on the outside. Yes I'm Boring in many diffrent aspects, but i guess i cant change what people do nor think, But i am strong enough to continue my life without depending on others everytime, but it would be nice get some support.

Anyways, On with this ridiculous inrtoduction about my ridiculous life. I live in the little City called Alameda which is in the state of California. My ethnicity is chinese, which i told you already. My name is Sharon, but alot of people refer to me as Sharon(this is awkward.) I attend Alameda High School. My birthday is on July 14, 1996. I spend the most of my time just hanging out carefree. I'm not the type of person you see going around and spreading rumors nor do i like hearing them. I am the type of girl you see walking down the hallway minding her own buisiness and just does what every other person does in life.

I like sports, or so you may think i dont becauuse i dont join any at school, but i do like them very much. I play Tennis and i go swimming in my spare time. I may not look like the type of people who play sports, but i do. Although i'm not very good at tennis, i still play even if i make my team lose. I'm also a very artistic when it comes to drawing.

One of my pet peeves in life are when i'm chatting with someone online, they say stuff I dont even understand, like "SYAST" and i'm like "what?" I Also hate when people do this:
Friend: HEY!
Friend: What.
Friend: are.
Friend: you.
Friend: DOING!
Me: nothing?

On With My Writing Goals. In School  I hate when i have to write a essay about school stuff because my essays about school are never entertaining. I also want to improve my Vocabulary because all the words im using in this introduction aren't even high school level, and i want to improve my grammer because i suck at it! My Next one would be debate essays because nothing ever comes to mind when im debating about something.

This is Just a short Part of Me, Sharon Wong.